In the works at Mamaku the gutter would do as @Grey Kiwi said and carefully cut around the poo chute. Too do this you pull the asshole away from the side you're cutting so you don't cut the insides causing leakage. Once fully around the outside, with the right knife, mercator is good, pull the poo tube out and sideways gently and free it from inside the pelvis. They then put a small plastic bag over the poo chute and secured it with a rubber band and stuff it down through the pelvis.
Then open the belly, best with animal on its back so guts isn't pushing against knife.
Roll onto side, reach in with non knife hand, grab asshole and gently pull towards brisket using knife to free guts from backbone. Be very careful of the bladder here as it is easy to puncture.
Been a long time since I've done it but that's what I remember.