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Thread: Had to be done

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    back in S.E AU
    Out of Towner chiming in, i was "exposed" to these Buggers via a friendly facebook page im part of, the posters were shocked..

    good to see it has blown up into a storm in a tea cup on the Forum!............

    I just wanna say- IT might have been going on for 40 years or more, it might not be new, ETc etc........ BUT ITS GOT TO STOP.
    its the same here in Australia. This sort of stuff must be called out if we are to have a future in being able to do this public land hunting.

    my opinion is Hunters calling out the illegal hunting, Reporting to authorities willg o along way, Nothing to hide if Ya not up to no good.... is my theory.

    Good on yas for gettin into the clowns.

  2. #77
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Feb 2018
    I think a few of us older buggers have seen this kind of thing a fair bit over the years. It is the absolute pits when a crew like this turn up where you are already camped. Sadly me and my wife have learnt to accept that it will happen from time to time, and we will simply pull up the tent pegs, pack up camp and move on without a second thought. One benefit is over the years we have learnt to camp very light. But it’s bloody annoying.

    We cannot kid ourselves about how prevalent this kind of thing is. I’ve posted on here before about a night I spent at the Catlins Inn Owaka, about 5 yrs ago, on a road trip finding interesting new public land to hunt. Saturday night, All Blacks vs Australia, probably two dozen of the young hunters and their girls in the pub before the local pig hunting competition at the rugby club the next morning.

    They got totally shitfaced and then at closing time went out spotlighting in the forestry up Morris Saddle Road.

    Three utes, all drunk as fuck, none of the staff or locals in the pub batted an eyelid.

    I slept in the little lean to behind the pub and visited the pig hunting competition the next morning, some of them were there, looking very very shabby indeed.

    I hate to say this, and you know where I’m coming from, but it is part of the culture in some areas and in some parts of the general community. I’ve got a few more war stories like this, from out the back of Raetihi, one time up Watershed Road in the Wanganui, just recently on the east side of the Tararuas. Was with the family that time, middle of the night, very very bloody annoying. And what goes on on private land would make your hair stand on end.

  3. #78
    Join Date
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    back in S.E AU
    Quote Originally Posted by Flyblown View Post
    . And what goes on on private land would make your hair stand on end.
    Theres a time when the general public of hunters must split or ackowledge the boundarys for this hunting Caper ,
    it happen here Also.

    Im talking about the Private behaviour that is basically " illegal hunting " anywhere else in the World, outside those fences....
    the piss ups, the shoot ups, the bomb ups, the Spotlighting / walk lighting and now Thermalling, the burn outs , etc..... it all stems from Private land hunting, and washes out into the Public land sector , in which a legitimate Recreational hunter is a stakeholder by paying their fees to use that land as recreational hunting areas.

    inside of this , we should be all aware, is "game animals" and under that comes a whole heap of Rules which is set to allow us to do what we are doing , 'walking around with rifles persuing game animals' .......

    the private these days i pretty much have written off, it is a free for all, the Deer are seen as Pests inside those fences and with that comes the Open slather effect........

    i just wish these "Legends" with their thermals would quite literally Fuck off onto Private land and use their expensive tool as a massive Help to the local farmers , by this, Targetting and killing as many deer as they want, but using the thermal to target problematic Dogs ........

    instead they are all up in the "Recreational hunting areas" / National Parks , slinking around like closet poofs , targetting a Recreational hunters trophy deer...... an nothing else.

    thats pretty laaaaaame ....

    the "hunts" lost, but its up to Us to re portray that "Hunt" as the single most important aspect, especially if we are Youtubing......... thats where the kids are learning 100%..... it is not by going out for a hunt with the old local guru on his farm, its going over the Shoulder of guys like JJKB, Dooleys, the plethora of long range sniper guys in camo, JE wild man, etc, so instead of using the Social media as a Show Off platform, use it as an educational or Real, with some good ethic an responsible behaviour shown will go a long way an get a better Rep than blowin over the baby velvets at 572y for content fillers....
    in aus we have youtubers, Thermalling off camera, creating "hunting videos"........... what the fucks
    bumblefoot likes this.

  4. #79
    Member Rusky's Avatar
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    Fly blown, you hit the nail on the head. When I was watching the video I was thinking this behaviour doesnt steam from just a few individuals, but its passed down through a generational chain that was more acceptable back in the day.

  5. #80
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    well folks....just this very afternoon I went out for public land hunt in thick bush...couple or 4 hours for no result,get out onto road,200yards from truck and cop rings me...its such n such from police where are you????
    Im thinking awesome a SAR callout....tell him where I am...he says he is at my wagon how far away am I...about 30 seconds says I.....NOW IT TURNS OUT SOMEBODY ELSE also hunting with a dog....or dogs had just been seen over on private land nearby.....fella mustve got fright at how close by I was.....as fella seen poaching was at least 1km away across small river simple maths would say i cant be there that quickly, luckily had my FAL on me..permit not so much as electronic permit system means its in email only and my phone doesnt have that...
    so who ever was out poaching THANKS A WHOLE bunch.....my pleasant afternoon turned to shit fast...my wife paniced when cop phoned asking if we owned the wagon..she thinking car wreck....
    oh and the two other hunters who were there...one was using night vision gear...big scope on rifle night vision.....seems strange thing to use if hunting in daylight....
    bumblefoot, Phil_H and Finnwolf like this.

  6. #81
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    The times they are a changing . If we as a hunting shooting community dont shout loud when these type of things are witnessed, then we stand to loose our sport/pastime forever. Apathy will see us sitting behind a computer spouting on about the good ole days, whilst the govt have our guns etc. because of the behaviour of a few dumb....
    Moa Hunter, Micky Duck and bigbear like this.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Jafa land
    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    The times they are a changing . If we as a hunting shooting community dont shout loud when these type of things are witnessed, then we stand to loose our sport/pastime forever. Apathy will see us sitting behind a computer spouting on about the good ole days, whilst the govt have our guns etc. because of the behaviour of a few dumb....
    I doubt the hunting community dobbing people in will help our cause with the public, police or parliament. The Kens and Karens are more likely to just associate all hunters with the people doing naughty things and we all know that the PNHQ hates us and parliament is happy to use us as a punching bag.

    we will lose it forever, we're only a few election cycles behind australia and the likes of GCNZ will never stop.

    Best to enjoy what we have, shoot as many deer as you can and buy as spicy guns as we're allowed.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  8. #83
    Join Date
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    back in S.E AU
    good on the woppers checkin it out so quick i guess!!

    russian, thats a debate i wanna hear about because that is in the minds of many hunters, do ya 'report it' or just keep quiet per say an whinge on social media about it?

    i get both sides but if its to be 'stamped out' or slowed up in good will, some people need to be caught to set examples, lose the thermal, lose the gun, then see how many others are prepared to do so.. ?

    the keep it under the rug has got us to this point today where there is more defense, than offence in the hunting world and the rest of the world.

    theres a good thread on Rokslide about this

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Police are already inundated with calls for clowns with rifles.

  10. #85
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Quote Originally Posted by trapperjohn View Post
    Police are already inundated with calls for clowns with rifles.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Well I cant elaborate in great detail I'm not a police officer.
    Incidents I have been involved with have ranged from trespass with firearm, where livestock where killed,
    and discharging of a rifle very close to households.
    Incidents really involved guys that could only be described as inconsiderate, just a complete disregard others and need to discharge their toys know matter what.
    Not hard criminals with guns, but just guys that do not have the maturity or development to understand that there actions could/would affect others.

    If someone sees a guy walking across their land, they usually approach and ask "what are you up to".
    If someone sees a guy walking accross their land with a gun, they call the police, after all who knows what kind of character they are, not worth the risk.
    These incidents are all too common.
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    And big red noses?

  13. #88
    Member PillowDribbler's Avatar
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    Morons are back,YT.

  14. #89
    Join Date
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    Stratford, Taranaki
    Quote Originally Posted by PillowDribbler View Post
    Morons are back,YT.
    The original video is marked as "private" now so they may have copped a bit of flak.............
    Pengy likes this.

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    His latest vid (since the controversial one) has the comments turned off.



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