my bush gun is a Forbes Ultralite 308 it has the Timney factory two-position safety system that allows you to load or unload the rifle with the safety on, it has an internal mag so it needs this type of safety to unload the rifle in a safer manner. if hunting with other people I do not have one in the chamber unless I am in front and still have the safety on with one up the spout if close to fresh sign etc. it took me a while to get my head around this system as I never trusted a safety before getting this rifle so basically the only time I have the safety off is is just before I pull the trigger, it is a good system that rates highly in my mind anyway.
I also have two Tikka TX3s do you think it would it be wise to fit the half cock system to them one is for a longer range in 6.5 crudmoor and 308 for subsonic