On the subject of half-cock, it has nothing to do with the type of hunting, area you hunt or the numbers of animals - it's solely to do with the design of the firearm.
Semi shotguns - this discussion just doesn't come up and no one questions the safety catch. Semi rimfires the same. It's only a historic chance thing regarding old style Lee Enfields in NZ that is like the proverbial cat with bolt action rifles. Just keeps coming back!
Reasons not to do it include certain designs that could discharge if the sear is dropped on a half open bolt, certain designs may fling the bolt open out of battery, some push feed rifles will not engage the extractor over the rim of the cartridge until the bolt is fully into battery, others have other reasons where it's not a great idea as well.
But if you thoroughly test out your rifle, are comfortable that it doesn't create an unusual or unforeseen safety hazard and can do it successfully every time the half open bolt might work for you. Just be aware that it's bad practice to recommended it as the rifle the other person might be using might not be configured the same even if it's the same make and might not be safe to carry at half-open bolt.