Poachers raise shooting fears - Hawkes Bay Today - Hawke's Bay Today News
See how long it is before he gets named eh?
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Poachers raise shooting fears - Hawkes Bay Today - Hawke's Bay Today News
See how long it is before he gets named eh?
Odd not to be using a suppressor
Won't be long .... especially if there's a reward in it. :P
Only thing I know It wasn't me :)
The article reads as they are trophie hunting ? . If His photo wasn't posed there would have been a good chance his mug would have been on the front of a hunting mag in a months time photo shopped with his trophie . Take a special kind of arsehole to poach a trophie ! .
$20,000 worth of venison that is a lot of steak. He don't have gumboots.
Id be setting man traps, a bucket of potassium permaganate would stain them brown for a month!
Ha ha. My mate texted me I was in the local paper a few weeks back :P
One comment on the facebook page says the 'temptation' is too great, what with all the money the farmers are making. But these poachers are just shooting and leaving the animals so money plays no part in it. One thing that puzzles me, surely it is legal to shoot poachers? Or should be.
You're fugly but not as bad as the fella in the pic.
Had a fag gun on him as well so couldn't be you either way.
Love how everytime their is an incident of poaching it is always dramatized to the point that someone is going to get shot to esculate a situation.
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I see your other famous Bay resident was also in the paper lately. Mr DB.
He's the mate of someone.
Looks like freiburger off youtubes "roadkill" episodes
I swear to god I thought it was a doc block :D
So I should be sweet then Pete??
If he's your mate dob the bastard in, not doing so gives us all a BAD NAME....
Think this bloke got busted in Hunting & Fishing Napier today, mate from work was in there at lunch time when the dude walked in... not sure what happend but the staff were pretty excited aparently.
Can't poop in your own backyard I suppose. Well you can but you pay the price eventually.
Attachment 35002
So basically if someone is caught poaching they just get a Tresspass notice and basically can wrap up as many of those as they want? if they are caught with a farmers trophy stag they can be charged and get reparations? probly at $5 a week for the next so many years, no big deterrent then aye.
this is more a question than a statement.......
The Bayview Cop addressed a Deerstalkers meeting I was at last year to talk about the poaching that was going on in the same area this Game Camera photo was taken.
His view was he wouldn't bugger around too much with Trespass Notices........ He was after your Firearms Licence.
To start with.
The old school rules used to be get caught once get a bluey "trespass notice " not really a big deal as far as a learning curve goes but get caught a second time while the trespass notice is still current and they could prosecute ...but these days get caught once you could loose more than your gun licence ...and you probably wont get it back...farmers have basically had a gutsful of rude arrogant tossers wandering around leaving gates open and dogs worrying there stock with a I don't give a F#@k attitude not to mention theft that's rite up there and the cops like to put the 2 in the same basket sadly its ruined it for the good guys I cant believe the latest trend...hunting rights !!! wtf...anyone else heard that phrase ? it reminds me of the UK .
Looks like a lost yank to me, get many photo of poachers not often this clear. We need to name and shame these people they are costing us much more than taking our deer. Private land owner don't like giving permission for hunters to hunt their land remembering only the poacher.
Post that Man Pat ;)
We all like a good naming and shaming around these parts.
People may recognise who's in your pictures even if the pictures aren't that great, especially if they are looking at themselves or their mates :ORLY:
I've caught Four people on my DOC land Game camera so far ...... Myself , My Hunting Mate, A Fella from the near by farm and a Member of the Hastings Deerstalkers.
All are legit .... no poaching going on here.
I think he was lost. ;)
I found an Australian a bit further up that creek a couple of years back. He was in tears when I found him had be sitting in the creek for hours wondering what to do ......
He WAS Lost ..... I didn't make the situation any better when I well Fu*k me I'm lost too.
He had only been in the country a week , had been decked out in all the gee whaas at a local Hunting & Fishing store and had told his misses he was going hunting in the Kawekas.
I found him in the Ruahine.
we climbed out of the creek and I took him back to his car. That made him much happier.
Don't think he hunts at all now.