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  1. #1
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River

    Head shot vs heart / lung which do you use most?

    I am interested to know whether you use the head shot or heart / lung shot the most. There is no doubt that a good shot to the swede knocks out the central nervous system and death is instant but the target size is smaller so the margin for error is greater. On the other hand if you hit them in the bigger target area of the pump and bellows some animals will gap it on residual oxygen in the blood stream and sometimes in dense bush you are left with having to track down the kill on dusk.

  2. #2
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Depends totally on the situation, animal angle, weather conditions, range etc. Personally I like a neck shot on anything out to 150m if lying prone, confidently take a neck shot out to 100m free standing, headshot within 50m, but will generally opt for a shoulder shot on anything past those sort of ranges. The majority of the deer Im shooting these days, on average about 5-6 a month, Im shooting with a 223, so more careful bullet placement is needed. I never aim to hit "heart and lungs, they're "behind" the shoulder. I hold on the shoulder in an effort to smash it, and everything behind the shoulder blade. An animal can't run far with no front wheels, and often the shock of a shoulder shot will drop the animal on the spot. If shooting down on an animal aim to send the bullet through the spine, between the shoulders. Pole axes them.

  3. #3
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    Nothing worse than seeing a deer run off with it's jaw totally blown off...just no way can you track that...I prefer lung shot if side on as there is less meat damage. Head on is chest shot and if bolting away, then up the gunga-din
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  4. #4
    DAF is offline
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    I will neck shoot if I'm close enough and conditions are ideal, else just behind the shoulder, I have found with the 162Gr A-Max, nothing has ever run and they just crash to the ground, except one occasion where it reared up and landed 30 yards closer.
    "Such is life..." - Ned Kelly

  5. #5
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    When im hunting its generally all bush stalking, therefore the shots vary all the time depending on whats presented, i do however prefer a head or neck shot as generally they drop on the spot. Last animal i shot (on Monday) was a chest shot unfortunately due to fark loads of windfall i couldn't find the hind .

  6. #6
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spook View Post
    Nothing worse than seeing a deer run off with it's jaw totally blown off...just no way can you track that...I prefer lung shot if side on as there is less meat damage. Head on is chest shot and if bolting away, then up the gunga-din
    +1 Never lost one yet.
    Seen a jaw shot off by a very competent hunter. Followed the blood trail till it dried up. Every time we got close, it would bolt again. Mate was devastated

    Never been keen to try the muck hole shot

  7. #7
    R93 is offline
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    I never dwell on the issue at all. I just take whatever kill shot is available. I have used a .223 for years for 99% of my meat shooting and have lost one animal due too a poor shot.
    My crosshairs are naturally drawn too the head or neck due to yrs of shooting from machines and for money. Situation at the time dictates if I shoot for the small bits or not. Clean shot on the docket means more coin. Not an issue for most today.

  8. #8
    P38 is offline
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    Head shots arn't for me.

    I leave the fancy shooting to the experts.

    Heart lung shot for me everytime........

    I always try to aim for the boiler room so as the bullet path will break the off side shoulder.

    Much bigger target to aim at and gets the job done quickly.

  9. #9
    Member kimjon's Avatar
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    Hi there

    For shots taken inside of 50m (standing, no support) I'll pretty much head shoot most animals 90% of the time, but if required I'll quickly move my aim to any kill zone that will work for the situation.

    For shots 50m and beyond (standing, no support) I tend to just shoulder shoot (double lung shot in line with front leg and up high) most animals, this tend to drop them on the spot!

    I tend not to actually think about my shots too much, it just seems to happen on a subconscious level. I guess I’ve been doing it so long now its second nature.


  10. #10
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Given the luxury of time/options - neck shot, followed by behind the shoulder as second choice.

  11. #11
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    Josh and R93 are onto it. You never know. Pick your shots depending on the situation and context.

    Heart/lungs is a misnomer. If you hit the heart you are probably aiming too low, and the deer will bolt with a "heart rush". For the lungs, aim higher and a little further back. Or higher on the shoulder in line with the shoulder bone to take out the lungs, bust the shoulder and create shock into the spine, but not so high that the bullet does't destroy the lungs.

    Head and neck are for the experienced or when it is a viable and certain option.

    If you pre-dermine where you are going to aim, you will wound and lose deer.

  12. #12
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    Head/neck: only 100 yards and under for me. And only if 1)The rifle I'm using is consistently under .75MOA. 2)The animal is dead still. And 3) I'm set up solid on the bipod/rear bag. I feel I owe the animal this much respect.

    Heart/Lungs for all other distances. I understand the rationale for breaking the front shoulders...but I eat too much to give up those bags of mince Thankfully I've never had anything run more than 20 metres after a shot to the engine room.

  13. #13
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    Through the big bit with unless within 50metres. Then it depends on what is presented within said 50 metres. I have yet to loose a big game animal by knowing my limitations and only taking shots I am certain of. I have left many beasties because I was not confident enough to try shooting beyond my capability.

    I may not be the best shot on the hill but I sleep easily at night.

  14. #14
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Unless you are selling game I can't see the point in neck or head shots, the only time is they are so dam close or you hunt with the wrong caliber

  15. #15
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    On fallow 100% of the time head shots out to 225yds.always from a solid rest. When I say head I mean where the head and neck join from side on or behind. I don't shoot until an animal stands correctly as there are plenty of deer were I hunt. With Sambar it is what ever as the best shot avaliable at the time, high shoulder is my preference, as all hunting is in heavy bush. I'm old enough and have shot enough game to be happy enough to let an animal walk if I'm not confident of the shot.



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