270 is a harmonic divisor number[1]
270 is the fourth number that is divisible by its average integer divisor[2]
270 is a practical number, by the second definition
The sum of the coprime counts for the first 29 integers is 270
270 is a sparsely totient number, the largest integer with 72 as its totient
Given 6 elements, there are 270 square permutations[3]
10! has 270 divisors
270 is the smallest positive integer that has divisors ending by digits 1, 2, …, 9.
Still keen, unless I have to go away for more work
girls, get a room .
Flown with chris from east kaweka a number of times, most ive paid return was 380 to ngawapurua, one way trips probably up around 150-200 bucks depending. he charges per person not per flight, and he runs a tight operation. both 500 and r44
JD in the wairarapa last time i checked was 1500 per trip pretty much anywhere in the tararuas but a few hundred cheaper to the closer huts. runs 2 500s and 1 600
used mountain helicopters, but wasnt as tight an operation, and we had to work around tourist flights, go figure. 500, notar
had a quote from tekapo helicopters for 2200 return in squirrel
girls, get a room .
Flown with chris from east kaweka a number of times, most ive paid return was 380 to ngawapurua, one way trips probably up around 150-200 bucks depending. he charges per person not per flight, and he runs a tight operation. both 500 and r44
JD in the wairarapa last time i checked was 1500 per trip pretty much anywhere in the tararuas but a few hundred cheaper to the closer huts. runs 2 500s and 1 600
used mountain helicopters, but wasnt as tight an operation, and we had to work around tourist flights, go figure. 500, notar
had a quote from tekapo helicopters for 2200 return in squirrel
+1 For Chris he will fly us in again this roar. Give him a call and ask about prices, if you don't have much junk he might be able to fit you in the wee yellow machine. That might be cheaper. @Rossiwiz
Nothing is tough about having a 70 lb bow and looking like an uncoordinated praying mantis while trying to draw it back.
My advice to anyone seeking answers from this thread, ring some local operators handy to the area you want to fly into.