Hey lads and lasses,
This year I am on the exec along side a few other young keen guys who are wanting to kick a bit of life into the university of Canterbury hunting club (HUNTSOC). Thought this would be a good place to look for any potential help and just chucking up a post here as I know how awesome the hunting community is at helping each other out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated whether it be:
- Potential land access for running a learn to hunt event
-Potential land access for a varmint or small game hunting event where we can take members to shoot a couple possums, rabbits, etc.
- Any old or unused equipment or gear which you are happy to give away or that HUNTSOC can can purchase for a group of broke uni students.
- Potential businesses which would be willing to sponsor HUNTSOC or offer any promotions/discounts for members
- Or any fundraising opportunities around the Canterbury region for a bunch of keen, fit students.
This is a bit of a stab in the dark but any help would be amazing. Obviously if any land access or other support is offered we are a club full of capable students prepared to help out in return with a honest days work.
Cheers in advance and I look forward to hearing back from you lot