Deer in the Hutt Valley raiding peoples back yards is nothing new. I have had friends recently show me photos of deer on their back lawn on the outskirts of central Upper Hutt. @craigc made a good point lately that a lot of the issue is large blocks of land that used to get regular hunting access/control have now been split into smaller lifestyle blocks, and those new land owners quite enjoy seeing these pretty deer so don't let people shoot them.
It can make it difficult when I am undertaking pest control on private land and the neighbours are not happy about it. In the last month I have shot 7 "Town" red deer for people I know. Also deer are quite smart and quickly learn where they are safe. I recently viewed video footage of 6 reds walking between a friends house and garage without a care in the world. She told me that she loves seeing them despite the damage to the garden. And of course they breed and then move into someone else's postage stamp sized block of bush and so the cycle continues.