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Thread: Hit the hills lads

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Hit the hills lads

    Come Saturday she will be a no go!
    Uplandstalker and Pook like this.

  2. #2
    Member Shearer's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
    Surely they can't lock the Mainland down? Nothing going on down here except a bit of hunting and shooting.
    piwakawaka likes this.
    Experience. What you get just after you needed it.

  3. #3
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    Souith Canterbury
    Level 3 closes public hunting land. If anyone think the whole country wont be at Level 3, if not 4, after midnight tomorrow is naive. You have 28.6 hours to hit the public land!

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    Souith Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Shearer View Post
    Surely they can't lock the Mainland down? Nothing going on down here except a bit of hunting and shooting.
    Half of Auckland got on planes and travelled to Queenstown in the past 36 hours.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    veitnamcam, ebf and stagstalker like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Yep it a certain thing no doubt about it and I think it will come either later tonight or early tomorrow

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    The South Island should go back to level one tomorrow, my seven year old is going to nuts if he can’t play rugby Saturday And it will be canned again under level 2. At least we might still be able to go out for a whitebait.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Ahh sure
    North Island can lock down
    Mainland can cut the cable and watch you all drift away with not a light bulb glowing
    Trout, Mathias, piwakawaka and 3 others like this.

  8. #8
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Sadly I have to agree, I continue to hope for the best. Its gutting that the "team of 5 million" did as asked (scared in to compliance) and all was undone by our bungling burecratic masters. They would it seems struggle to get laid in a brothel even if they were all drunk!!

  9. #9
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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    Wife’s been told to get homepacks ready to give out to the kids. Double check that they’ve all got the facilities at home ready for homeschooling again.
    Although they’re probably being proactive rather than reactive. Better to have and not need, rather than needing and not having.
    308 and matagouri like this.
    The Only Thing Not Delivered By Truck Are Babies...

  10. #10
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huntfisheat View Post
    Some numbnuts with Covid symptoms takes 6 days to report it and get tested, gos on holiday, and it's a beaurocratic issue?
    Where's the sense in that and where does personal responsibility start?
    And, more importantly, where does the conspiracy theory end and simply listening to a very simple message such as "If you feel sick, get tested" begin, especia;l;ly given that the same message has been re run every day since day one. Very silly blame game when its a politicians fault a dickhead took nearly a week of illness to get tested.
    The problem is we cannot rely on the people to do what is right.
    We pay taxes so that the law is upheld and what needs to be done is done, these COL fools have failed to isolate an isolated country.
    How hard can it be to isolate every person entering the country?

    I could do it with a couple good guys with tasers, well trained dogs and a big stick...
    Use enough gun

  11. #11
    Member Bobba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    The problem is we cannot rely on the people to do what is right.
    We pay taxes so that the law is upheld and what needs to be done is done, these COL fools have failed to isolate an isolated country.
    How hard can it be to isolate every person entering the country?

    I could do it with a couple good guys with tasers, well trained dogs and a big stick...
    Yep fly them all in to Ohakea and bus them up to Waiouru. They can then escape all they want but bet they come back pretty quick.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Good news, I just read this statement from the Game animal council. Tear into it until level 4 comes again.

    Important change to Alert Level 3 rules

    We have been advised that for any regions at Alert Level 3 you can now hunt on both private and public conservation land. You do need to stay within your region and stick to your bubble. Overnight trips are still not allowed and you may only hunt on foot — using quad bikes, off-road bikes, helicopters and other motorised vehicles is not allowed.

    Level 2 rules remain the same.

    Up-to-date information on current alert levels is available at: https://covid19.govt.nz/covid-19/current-alert-level/
    199p, Shearer and Steve123 like this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    The problem is we cannot rely on the people to do what is right.
    We pay taxes so that the law is upheld and what needs to be done is done, these COL fools have failed to isolate an isolated country.
    How hard can it be to isolate every person entering the country?

    I could do it with a couple good guys with tasers, well trained dogs and a big stick...
    I'm not making any observation on the current situation, but your final sentence toook me back to the Waikato vs 'Boks match in 1981. The protestors invaded the field, and ultimately the match was called off. It was reported at the time that a SA cop had observed that he didn't see the pitch invasion as a major obstacle, and it wasn't anything he couldn't have cleared with half a dozen cops and some dogs. No idea if it was correct or not, but it was reported here.
    40mm and outlander like this.

  14. #14
    Member stingray's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Go about your business wear a mask and wash your hands ...we have done the lock down. It's now about self protection ...the government can't keep us covid free ...so look after yourself and live life ...
    Shootm, Trout, Gapped axe and 8 others like this.
    Nil durum volenti !!

  15. #15
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    I think they can get fucked this time around , if it happens again. We gave them 6 weeks earlier this year at the beat time of the year and what did they do ?
    They made a joke of the sacrifices We made with bungling and incompetence beyond comprehension. The government has shown me they can’t control it so why bother complying with more petty bullshit. I won’t be.
    striker, stingray, 308 and 6 others like this.



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