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agree...holy smoke indeed...... and lets hope the fella has learnt his lesson....dont leave home without a knife on your person.....
Not a nice way to end her days.
Would have been all bruised to shit.
Pretty quick death by the looks. I wonder if they managed to salvage any meat?
One in a million chance of being there at that particular moment with a camera! In a way, I find it reassuring that occasionally other species fuck up just as badly as we do.
Pretty neat to fool trampers that way with my subsonics...
That was hard to watch, really felt sorry for her.
holy shit indeed, the guys sounds like he belongs in a milk bar in Ponsonby rather than Fiordland :P
"OMG ! It literally just died, OMG ! I only have a breadknife...."
Well that'll be pre-tenderised.
I've often wondered how many tahr fall to their deaths ... Hadn't figured it would happen to deer very often...
Man, that was crazy!!!
Woow once in a life time fortage,Half the meat would be buggered after that,bruised to shit.
Gravity is a bitch!,
That was certainly a lesson in how slippery water ways can be. Deer are incredibly sure footed
Tahr do fall, one of the research crews tracking collared 3 bulls and one was found at the bottom of a bluff
At first i thought someone couldn't tell the difference between male and female haha.
Wow that was epic!
Not a great way to go, poor girl!
Can’t imagine that can ever be replicated..
Chay. in the NI
@Micky Duck I thought the lesson was "Be bloody careful crossing waterfalls"
Ouch! Sad to watch but outstanding footage all the same. My first thought was - and that's what would happen to me if I slipped. Bit of a lesson really.
I was sitting in the back of a H500D while on venison in Fiordland one stunning spring evening and watched in amazement as a 10-pointer red fell over a bluff. He stumbled a bit in the tussocks and slid, recovered, slipped again and then fell over the edge of a vertical drop. It was horrible to watch and the freefall was unbearably long as he fell around 2,500 feet to the rocks below. There was a long silence on the intercom after that.
Like others I've wondered about the tahr too. They live in some treacherous places. My brother-in-law shot a tahr a couple of years back and when we recovered her, her front right shoulder was badly bruised and still recovering from an earlier fall.
Yep, mother nature takes no prisoners.
And that's why I am fussy about my boots having good grip rather than will they last a million years. Even on a gently slope in the rain, one can slip and smash a bone or two.
Gravity is not always your friend - even if you have four legs...
@T.w Yes he does put out good vids. I'd say the young fellow was just gobsmacked by what he'd witnessed
I thought the commentary was classic, a "Guy Williams comedic tour of Fiordland" style that I can only dream of being able to replicate under similar circumstances. Makes me nervous just watching it though. The bull only just gets away with crossing up there too - by the skin of its teeth. Its a great demonstration of being careful with the run-out below the chosen crossing point, and those ledges just weren't enough once it had some momentum up.
Couple more thoughts. When the hunting shows espouse the benefits of sticking to the game trails in fiordland, keep this video in mind. And also, this might explain the odd occasion where you're following tracks and for no apparent reason they just stop like the animal vanished into thin air.
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I call murder on that one,She was pushed,look carefully when she just comes into view there is the suspect doing the bolt back into the bush above her in the background !!
shock horror...maybe it was Eugene......trying to knock off Cunters with a pin ball effect?????
Loved his roar. Sounded like the old Tarzan movies. Or maybe Planet of the Apes.