Ouch! Sad to watch but outstanding footage all the same. My first thought was - and that's what would happen to me if I slipped. Bit of a lesson really.
I was sitting in the back of a H500D while on venison in Fiordland one stunning spring evening and watched in amazement as a 10-pointer red fell over a bluff. He stumbled a bit in the tussocks and slid, recovered, slipped again and then fell over the edge of a vertical drop. It was horrible to watch and the freefall was unbearably long as he fell around 2,500 feet to the rocks below. There was a long silence on the intercom after that.
Like others I've wondered about the tahr too. They live in some treacherous places. My brother-in-law shot a tahr a couple of years back and when we recovered her, her front right shoulder was badly bruised and still recovering from an earlier fall.
Yep, mother nature takes no prisoners.