@bigred how do you find the attitudes/public acceptance towards hunting here compared to at home? I lived just outside of London in Oxford for 2yrs (2017-2018) and generally found people to be far more anti-hunting than over here, even those that actually eat meat (I get that there's a bunch of major cultural differences between NZ and the UK which facilitate those differences- I started to list a couple of reasons but my comment was in danger of devolving into an essay). I'm just curious about your personal experience- having not been exposed it before were you hesitant or concerned when you first started hunting? Did your family back home have any objections etc? Now that you've become a keen hunter, how would that impact your lifestyle if you were to return to living in the UK?
Sorry, just a very interesting topic to me, as I moved to the UK expecting (perhaps naively) a relatively similar experience to living in NZ (not just in relation to hunting, but in general)... it was not what I expected... Had a couple of great years for sure, but it's nice to be home.