I am planning a bit of a hunting mission late in Jan in the Kaimanawas. and i was just wanted to know how people keep there meat fresh & cool? and how long will it go before it needs to be put in a fridge??
I am planning a bit of a hunting mission late in Jan in the Kaimanawas. and i was just wanted to know how people keep there meat fresh & cool? and how long will it go before it needs to be put in a fridge??
I let it cool then put it into a dry bag and submerge in a creek. Make sure water can't get in. Use a cord and tie it to something on the bank. Will last a week if the creek is cool enough.
Warm humid rain is your enemy, otherwise a animal(venison) should keep 4-5 days no worry s hanging in the shade protected from flys.
Be sure to open up all major leg joints if hanging a whole animal(including the hip socket) And split brisket to drain any blood and promote cooling as sinovial (spelling?) fluid in the joint is the first place to go off and the rot travels from there.
Also open up any bruised or shot damaged meat,blood and bone go off real quick,if shot threw shoulders open up from brisket right up to nearly back bone so they are just hanging by a bit of meat then you can scrape out blood and trim around the hole for shot meat and bone fragments.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Bone it out,put it in a pillow case and hang it in the shade.
The dry bag in a creek works good too
I use the huntech canvas inner from an old pikau hung in the shade, never had a problem. Flys can't get through the light canvas.
I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!
I would have thought that "elevation" & "off the ground" were the same thing
No, i don't think thay are wasting their money, its just not as well spent as the ones on the bottem floor. Studies on fly numbers at ground vs canopy suggest that if you had too choose between the top and bottem floor (I'm not sure if building would impact on things however) the choice would be a very simple one.
I'm not suggesting hanging meat up high is the best option for keeping meat cool; just that its better than hanging it 1 foot of the ground in relation to flies. I don't have the time or the inclination to dredge up the research however i pressume plenty of factors play a role (still air and more chance of finding food or suitable egg laying resource on the ground). My point is, it's obviously not a 'fairytale'.
Get it off the bone and get a skin on it fast, hung nice and straight and it's surprising how few flies will get at it if you can get that skin happening.
I have done the store in a dry bag in the creek for 7 days in the full heat of summer and it was great eating, let it hang in a pillow slip for a bit first though to let it "skin off" before sinking it in the creek under rocks.... Right beside the beer chiller Dam (one of the few chopper trips I have taken, dont carry in beer)