Hi guys, great new forum!
Back in the winter most of the places I had been exploring around here got a good dose of aerial 1080. I'm reading on DOC's site that 4 months is when the signs come down and 2kn radius is safe for deer. DOC in Greymouth themselves recommended I hold off till February...
I'm a bit confused now.
My thoughts are that the "4 months" and "2km" buffer will have a built in Factor of Safety as the last thing they want is for that stuff to get into any animals for human consumption. If I took a stroll up there and saw animals...what would I look for to see if there were any effects of poison?
Any information from people who actually know or have had personal experience with this would be good as I really don't want to inadvertently poison my family but would like to get some meat in before my mum comes to visit from the UK for Christmas!