Just back from early recon in the West Tararua side in dense bush, not tops/clearing/slip areas so cannot see any stags holding hinds. No roars apart from one piss poor human effort from someone on the opposite parallel ridge basically yelling moo as if reading from a kids book aloud!
There was a stiff cool southerly with lots of banging/moaning trees but did not stop a stag coming in to have a look surprisingly when I was having a coughing fit (I didn't roar at all and wouldn't if nothing else has started season yet) after breathing in a bug that got stuck in my wind pipes somewhere. totally unprepared for it in my fits of coughs but my dog was alerted and frozen staring in one direction but I dismissed it as being wind tree creeks etc and thinking any type of animal would have cleared off from my racket...anyway it saw me first and instantly cleared off. A lot of the wallows had not been visited, only one of the dozen plus I visited had been opened and that's in the general location where the close encounter happened.