Yep the roar is over and the deer are on the move feeding prior to winter so still a good time to pick an animal or two. Reds are finished but the Sambar are not far away from getting busy.
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Yep the roar is over and the deer are on the move feeding prior to winter so still a good time to pick an animal or two. Reds are finished but the Sambar are not far away from getting busy.
Shot a stag on Saturday afternoon, well a mate did. Roared at him and he came from 400m to 150m for a look, before he got poleaxed. I had reds roaring their heads off on the 24th May a few years back. So you never know.
Also saw a fallow buck on Friday morning and he was letting out the odd croak and sniffing around a couple of does. Cousin shot a 230ds fallow on Thursday that was hanging within does but not making any noise.
To early to start looking?
Nice can’t wait for the pics:thumbsup:
How's it coming guys?
Well I've book all my tickets and Ferries:thumbsup:
The wife is coming as we have to divert back through Thailand as she needs some sun and I said.....why not:ORLY: our something along those lines:XD:
Getting excited going to have a look around the Kaimais first before heading to Stewart island:thumbsup:
Like to thank @boaraxe and @223nut for there advise cheers and good luck with your hunting this year.
I've a little gift for you @223nut which I'll leave on the way out.
Anyway guys how's your roar preparation coming on?
Stags around the coast should be in prime condition with the abundance of food about. Got out tonight for a quick look, a few showers limited any use with the camera. A few stags around with head gear getting polished and others still in velvet no signs of stripping yet.will see what weather the morning brings
I heard two roars yesterday from the deer farm down the road - the Roar is coming! :thumbsup:
I'm just wondering with all the cold weather tat the northern hemisphere has had if nz is in for the same. Might make the roar earlier.
I know that it also has to do with when the hinds are cycling but worth a thought.
The 8point buck I'm keeping tabs on is still heavy velvet and no signs of stripping yet.... Having said that a few years ago I shot one hat was fully stripped and stained then 2 days later 3km away got another that was JUST starting to strip
I got a good red early in the week that I had seen a couple of times in the velvet.
Antlers were nice and hard under the velvet and only took a few minutes to completely strip.
Attachment 104682
Attachment 104683
seen this morning, mud fat. Not common to see them in this area but have seen this guy 3x in the last six weeks and first time i got a good look at him. Hopefully in the next couple weeks he hangs around.Attachment 104684
Wow it would be nice if he could hang around another year or so!
Looks like he’s just starting to show some potential!!
Unfortunately it want stay here, another month and i will never see it again. Ever year it seems to happen.Also if another hunter see's it it will be shot. I am hopping he will stay long enough to loose his velvet and get a bit of colour. then i get a nice head and a good feed prime fallow
Been slack this year, will start going out this week for a look
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Not too much recon from me not from want of trying though but with the weather being North of 30 degrees at the moment it limits the willingness to lose copious amounts of fluid I will get out for an overnight hunt very soon
Yeh our spot is closed for Extreme Fire Danger, need some rain now.
Ripper stag akaroa 1!
I’ve been out in the Canty high country for the last 4 days looking for a stag like this. It was brutally hot with animals only moving first and last light and I only saw a handful of deer where last year id seen close to 40 for the same circuit. Lots of Chamie around though which are always fun to watch.
Same in our area, in the last month 9 days above 30 degrees and only two days below 20 degrees, the last time it rained was 28 days ago. The grounds like walking on corn flakes in the bush which makes for hard stalking. No animals on the tops except goats, all the deer are in the shade of the hill and down in the creeks so the sound of running water covers our approach. Pigs are going hard in the wollows, a couple of nights ago found a wollow that stunk of stag but pig hair in it. Haven’t seen any big boys yet, a valvety 10 is the biggest so far.
See how nexts weeks recon goes its ment to be 33 degrees on Thursday when I go back in, the dog will be in every creek again. Should hear stags stripping next week and see a few fingers crossed.
Where we are going in the Ruahines there is no chance of a recon. Kids and school holidays have taken all my work leave
I think it will be pretty warm and that means the Ruahine Blowflies will try and steal any meat we get
Will have to hunt a bit smarter
Shit that’s not good @Smiddy hope it’s nothing serious! Good luck for this year you must be looking to top last years efforts:thumbsup:
Shit that’s not good @Smiddy hope it’s nothing serious! Good luck for this year you must be looking to top last years efforts:thumbsup:
Good on the rest of you for getting out, or about too! Bugger with the heat! Doesn’t need to be said to be careful with your flames:o
I am so unfit I am dreading my first hunt for 2019 :D Too much fishing which means far too much beer!
I do have a hopefull spot where a good red was spotted last season so fingers crossed.
Nice bottoms what were his tops like?
How you getting on guys?
I can't wait packing already:D
I've been covering a bit of Ground and was able to bump into one stag, looking for one of those hard heavy timbered fellas now with a little more style ;)
mossberg patriot 270w 130gr hornady fctry
@JoshC how’s the prep coming in your neck of the woods?
Anybody hearing them sing yet:redbullsmiley:
One roar yesterday, 1st March, 6:40AM, just before sunrise, Southern Ruahines.
Oh goody so when I get there in 15days time she should be all on:thumbs::yarr: not that I’m not counting :ORLY:
Can someone tell me where to shoot a deer like these ones? Im new hunter so not interested in a small deer I want to get a large deer like these with big horns
How we getting on guys any luck?