Still no roaring in my usual spot in Pureora, just a moan or two and that was it.
Managed to get a spiker near a wallow, with my old husquy open sight in 9.3x57. A first kill with this gun.
Took me 3 hrs to get the carcass out.
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Still no roaring in my usual spot in Pureora, just a moan or two and that was it.
Managed to get a spiker near a wallow, with my old husquy open sight in 9.3x57. A first kill with this gun.
Took me 3 hrs to get the carcass out.
It takes me 1h and 1/4 to walk to my hunting spot, so with a 50 or 60 kg carcass I am slowed down a bit.the knees are still holding, touch wood. I got back into a bit fitness after Christmas , lost 6 kg ( and could do with another 6 to 10 less) and the heart is pumping a bit better. I also had a good mate with me to swap over the load along the way, I must admit that helps :-)
Some mate were in McIntosh hut area last week. heaps of very good Jap roaring in there. Were I was hunting 2 weeks ago near Tarawera pub the reds were only desultory but about 6 km north they were going to town really well. Go figure!
Just got back from a wander down south.
Heard 6 stags, 2 going really well on their own.
A lot of animals moving around.
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Recon went well, shot at about 10m roaring his head off.
Attachment 48303
Buggered if I know why it's upside down.
Attachment 48304
Bloody Pilots
Te urewera - Special !
Attachment 48319
Nearly 9 points.....bugger it I'm calling it a 9 :thumbsup:
Attachment 48320
As long as you can hang a ring from it...;-)
Well done.
Nice look heads there guys!
Check this roadend Attachment 48367
Oh fuck that :oh noes:
3 at Snee Rd,4 Coppermine,6 Kumeti,4 and another going up Tamaki this arvo so just did a wheelie at @BRADS woolshed and went to the park teased the ducks and deer.
Thursday 's effort:
Attachment 48370
Attachment 48371
Nice guess you where happy when you put that load down
Good stuff Friwi.
Went for a walk last week in a spot that I had scouted and sussed out a stag was present. Got there late in the day and let out a couple of feeble sounding moans to which there was no reply.
I then worked my way slowly along the ridge with the occasional roar and lots of watching as an animal had sprung me before and I figured he knew his ground. Still no answers to my dying cow roars so I made my way to where I had found his scrape, 70y away I spotted him standing in his bed looking in my direction.
As I loaded a round I let out a quiet moan to hide the noise of me working the action, naturally between him and me a labyrinth of twigs and branches somewhat blocked the bullets intended path, I stood there motionless, luckily so did the dog (good boy).
I tried another low moan to which finally he was annoyed enough to roar out his challenge, as he laid back his head I took this opportunity to secure a clear path through the branches and took aim at his vitals.
Even at 70y my 7mm08 latte sipping rifle did the job and he was poleaxed without flinching.
Attachment 48380
He has a couple of snags which like Roy I will claim, don't know if you can hang a ring from one of them but I know mine was hanging out when I carried him out of the bush :O_O:
Wow nice animal good recon too!
Also thanks a lot for the nice write up. It's always easier to shoot them. Enjoy.
3 days out in a block and only roaring one evening over the fence :pissed off: , was pretty warm at 21-23c each day..... might have had something to do with it?
On the drive home yesterday the deer farm just south of 'kune was full of stags (hummels? no antlers), stopped for a watch and listen. They were going nuts, a non-stop barrage of roars, was pretty cool to prctice the technique on and get them all pissed off :thumbsup:
Did manage this one the other week.
Attachment 48518
First deer I've shot, roared a few times from a good spot on a nob at the head of a valley. Had my shooting lanes all sorted and this fulla strolled in to see who was snagging his pozzy. Whacked him at about 25m, he went about 30m before going down. Freezer is a bit fuller, but now I've really got the bug!
Great stuff Bugbait.....
Roaring activity has nothing to do with temperature - its all to do with hinds in oestrus (cycling) this is triggered by the photoperiod - shorter days and in particular shorter evenings and twilight are the main triggers -- if a hind is not in oestrus - they wont roar - that's why some days they go ballistic - the next day reduced or even no roaring
weather conditions do play a part in that heavy rain and wind inhibit roaring - the best conditions are still/little wind as that these are the most effective conditions for sound carriage - hence roaring more prevalent - frosty conditions provide these factors -
temperature tho aint one of them.... old wives tale which seems to be perpetuated over the years...
It is easy to see the correlation to the myth in what you say though. Frosty conditions provide the best conditions hence roaring is more prevalent (I know I am quoting out of syntax). It is not hard to see how the lesser informed jumped to the conclusion that cold temperatures ( a by product of frosts) triggers the roar.
Yup totally agree that temp has nothing to do with active stags but do find the colder the day, the longer they will stay active.
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Can you explain why they would roar for two or three days and then all of a sudden stop? Or why they could roar a few consecutive day at roughly the same time of the day ?
hind cycling, possibly getting up to feed at that time of day.
Attachment 60641
Recon good for the 2017 roar.
Just spent 4 days on the Westcoast checking out the stags while they are still feeding up big time.
Saw 10+ multi pointers and 3 or 4 of them were pretty bloody good.
This one was watched at 240m for ages and was eating like his life depended on it.
Now just have to hope he can be found again once hard and in the roar.
Great photo Akaroa1.
Just seeing the return of this thread gets me excited
I seen a good animal last week.
Around 35 long and looked to be wide. Had 14 even but undeveloped points.
He has so many catchments with in a short jaunt for him I wouldn't know where to start in the roar if he manages to last that long. Some Bozo will shoot him in a spotlight knowing my luck. Nice to see him all the same but I doubt I will again.
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Always keen. Got a spot in the 'kumaras thats due for inspection around April too, just needs a a whirly bird to get in there. The other musketeer is keen, you?
R93 do you find the stags in your spot move far from their summer range? I hunt a spot that is completely devoid of mature stags throughout the year, but come the roar it's chocka. How does it work down your way?
I went for an overnighter last week to a new spot , steep rocky dry ugly face didn't see anything on our side first evening then in the morning 4 spikers 4 guts away somehow they gave us the slip think 1 got upset at a rock tumbling down the hill so we carried on round a big dogleg in the valley it opend up wasn't quite as ugly & spotted a few mobs around 30 deer mostly all hinds odd fawn with them few smaller stags crossing over a saddle it was supposed to get to 27 degree's so we figered best pic 1 a yearling hind drew the short straw , 7 gunshots latter we managed to fell the poor beast it was a bit further away than we thought :) after the smoke had cleared I looked across the valley to see a big stag he looked pretty well formed nice big beams , tops looked pretty good two heading way up a tussock face got me thinking mite have to chopper in in the roar guess if the hinds are there he will be 2.