Sadly enough I reckon I have a fair bit of knowledge on this subject.![]()
It seems really simple aye? Trust me it's not. In my opinion, I don't even know how/ if it can be stopped.
Sticking to the 7 basics helps 1000x over, but doesn't eliminate the risk of accidentally shooting somebody. Its like saying "I don't speed, nor drink drive, I wear my seatbelt, therefore I will never kill anybody in a road accident." Ignorant logic.
Simple fact of the matter is, EVERYTHING is based on peoples judgement and People have a LONG history of fucking things up.
I am not standing up for the guy but I'd say, that to this day he swears he saw a deer. The brain simply sees what it wants. Lots of studies been done on this, you have all seen the magic guys whipping watches etc, same shit.
A lot of love and understanding from me, goes out to Adam's family and friends, but also to the guy that fucked up. All you hard cunts that want to hang the guy, just take a moment and imagine waking up every day knowing that you fucked up that bad and ended somebody's life. Anybody that has experienced something real fucking awful knows how these things don't go away, and that its not just on waking that you remember.
If he was truly a piece of shit with no remorse, then that was for the Judge to decide.
My 2c worth.
On a similar but different note, am I confused or has this guy kept his FAL?? I saw in the court news that the firearm involved was confiscated, yet no mention of revocation? (loss of FAL) If that is the case then I will be royally upset.