Remember the "school-teacher-death" ? that guy had just fallen asleep in his tent, when his mates woke him,telling him there were deer on the track. A few minutes later, they spot-lighted the school-teacher,and given in evidence, that someone said: "there's one ", and we all know the outcome. But, the person who pushed the most, for manslaughter and prison,through the Media, was the same guy who later shot a young fella by accident,down Wellington-way. That boy was wearing bright orange. He got home-Detention, from memory, and tried to pervert the course of justice by lying and denying he'd been there.He recently tried getting his licence back ! But the point is ; He said ALL the same stuff originally, that many are saying here, to sway those in power: It wasnt an accident, he didnt bother to identify target, I've been hunting for blah-years,member of nzda, I would know etc. etc And it worked; the young guy got 4 yrs..Then,common-sense-guy,does the same,in broad-daylight a few yrs later. We can get it wrong,He got it wrong, and he was the guy shouting the most,that there was NO excuse..just a thought...