Curious, has there been a single incident involving the Blue hi-vis yet?
p.s ive experienced that orange 4pm sun on actual deer looking precisely like orange hivis colour. Not a nice sight. I dunno about the yellow ones though
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Curious, has there been a single incident involving the Blue hi-vis yet?
p.s ive experienced that orange 4pm sun on actual deer looking precisely like orange hivis colour. Not a nice sight. I dunno about the yellow ones though
Yellow is not good for hi-viz, can't even see it in the bush most of the time, looks like vegetation with the sun on it.
:wtfsmilie: I can't see why you would wear bloody blaze orange in the bush, when it is been so obviously pointed out that at certain lights it resembles the colour of a fuckn deer. Orange works well out in the tussock when it's exposed to unfiltered light, but not in the bush. Give me blue any day if you want to be observed, as its a totally un-natural colour in the bush.
That's cool as mate
It's just my opinon and a idea I had
I can also only hunt when time and work permits
I just choice to not hunt at Easter and was throwing out there as idea to see what people thought
Talk of banning hunting all together is just a dick move.
All for Hunter education to make it safer for all of us. I'd certainly like to think with all the young guys I've taken out over the last few years I've done a fair bit of Hunter education with first timers.
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I wear orange blaze in the roar and hunting with mates or in high hunting pressure spots where I may run into other hunters. I would rather been seen than not. I feel a lot better I can see my mates and the dog easier.
It’s guys with the wrong mindset during the roar, they have already talked themselves into it, colour doesn’t matter, they in the thinking of
“ its the roar, I must get a stag, I can hear a stag, it must be a stag, I’m going to shoot a stag, I can here a stag coming, then there’s some movement?, next identified the movement but not the stag, now it’s point of no return the trigger is pulled!!!” Ohh shit!
Instead of of thinking the other way around “it’s a person, its a person I can hear, it’s a person coming until you can identifying a stag”
Its a person is what I'm thinking when in the bush I will even drop the rifle down and look without using the scope up to 3 or 4 times
Just don't get into the mindset that because you are in the middle of nowhere that there can't be another hunter around.
Damn. Can't delete first one
Drill that point into them Allizdog haha
One thing funny, is that this Easter weekend was really not busy at all where I am hunting usually. And talking to another party of 3 who went to Kaimanawas for sika hunting, they have never seen the place so deserted.
It does not stop accidents from happening obviously but maybe the message that there ll be too many fuckwits over this Easter weekend has prevented many more to be put at risk.
I have personally chosen to hunt with a bow during the roar, I have significantly less chances of shooting someone else at least.
Ive seen the blaze orange deer thing..and are aware of it... loads of guys are red/green color blind so cant see it anyway....lots of different colors are good choice. hunting with only guys you can trust is good choice,trying to avoid public land over easter if you can is good choice,
oh and thought about it today while at work...this isnt a new thing..Philip Holden wrote of 2 incidents I can think of where he put scope on someone....first is in pack n rifle so its always been an issue.
take care out there.