Was heaps of groups set up in various places down the Desert Rd!
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this place where this latest guy got shot is where we are heading for a look in a couple of weeks for a few days then heading to another place also I just wear camo as not many people shoot at plants :thumbsup:
Quote...I just wear camo as not many people shoot at plants .....
Aaaaarh......not true......
That is the false sense of safety/nobody else is here that contributes IMHO to these shootings/nobody else would walk in here it must be a deer....Id feel safer hunting 100m off of a state highway down here cos most just drive past, walk 3 hours and meet everybody else that thought they had to walk 3 hours.
As much as I love bush hunting roaring stags I think my days of it in the top of the south are over, just too many hunters and too many of them are complete and utter fuck wits! only got to look at all the doc signs shot up to see what sort of a shooting culture we are developing....it didn't use to be like this here....maybe up north but not here.
I said safer not safe.
All we need is a picture of a person that looks like a deer. Then we will know what to look out for :D
RIP - Gordon Leech
Opening weekend of the roar.....
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Very sad
Tragic as I have said previously. Such a waste. So unnecessary and avoidable.
It's an unfortunate fact that some people are more predisposed to filling in the blanks in a shape in a creative way.
Therefore what is a deer to one person is not a deer to another. There's been a heap of research into it. Like seeing shapes in the clouds.
Ever gone spearing flounder at night? Many people spear the sand thinking it's a flounder 10 times before seeing a flounder. They imagine the shape.
The sooner everyone thinks "I could shoot someone when hunting" instead of "I don't get how people mistake s deer for a human" the sooner the hunting fatalities will drop.
In hunter safety I firmly believe that everyone should be told that it is highly likely that you WILL mistake a person for a deer, and that it's hard to distinguish the difference. This will change attitude away from the above.