Christopher Dummer.......
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Christopher Dummer.......
Shooter breaks vow to dead mans mum.........please read it
colour has nothing to do with shape recognition. as for my colour deficiency I took multiple test to determine my colour deficiency and was the only reason I was turned down specific job oportunities but I can still tell the difference between a deer and a person because I choose look and examine before I shoot and not be trigger.
I wonder if all the deer I/we bumped in the bush while on patrol as a soldiers were actually humans?
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Light blue
I struggle between blue and green and red and green colours
blaze orange when faded will look like a red deer in certain times of the year weather you have colour problems or not.
trouble is some people shoot before they can determine what it is they actually see. they see a movement see something and fire. game over regardless
Interesting for sure,......just reading up about colour blindness ....certainly not irrelevant to this subject.....
I believe the advantage of people having high vis is to try snap your brain back into reality that the object moving is no longer a deer but a human. It's a visual aid and nothing more.
I've heard movement in bush several times and known it was too loud or constant for a deer, and one of them was wearing orange high viz. Immediately it was identified as human.
Here's a sale on ridgeline blue jackets. Down from $200 to $70. I got one a few days ago and it looks like the bees knees.
Buy Ridgeline Mens Mallard Jacket Blue Camo online at
I think blue is probably the way to go, I have a blue camo hat, hopefully enough??
I have used two colours in the past or should say still do, I wear a blaze blue vest or shirt during the day and as dusk starts to fall I put on a fluro yellow vest with reflectors strips, but it has to be new and clean, as they age and or get dirty they can look different colours and the reflectors break down.
I have a orange hat, a bright orange over jacket, a bright flashing bike light on my bum. The thing is you have got more chance of being killed on the road getting to your hunting ground. Or I properly will get flattened by a chopper that thinks I`m a landing pad. It`s a bloody shame there`s things happen, I feel for the family involved .
I won’t be wearing blue anytime soon as it’s one of the colours that deers see!
But I do hear you on the blaze orange looking like red. So I’ll be going with the camo pink!
Have yet to see a pink dear:XD:;)deer
Here’s a nice little number from Norway:thumbsup:
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