I have heard of multiple people getting shot at in the kawekas.......I am buying my first rifle this year and I've decided on a long range one so I can stay out in the tops in open so 'hopefully' I won't get shot at. Gonna stay away from the bush!!
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There are certain times of the year, I don’t hunt, Easter being one.
Don’t limit yourself to bush, or tops. Just pick the safest time to spend quality time hunting.
I’m bloody careful who I hunt with, but you need to remember that others, not connected to you, could be in the same area.
Just exercise common sense.
And post up some Kaweka pics, love that place !
If its your first rifle, go for an all rounder . A special long range one won't make it much safer for you. You'll still need to spend a lot of time crawling around in the scrub. A mid weight 270 will be good to quite long range and OK in the bush too.
I doubt that hunting private land is much safer either unless perhaps you're on your own.
The best way to dramatically tilt the odds in your favour seems to be to find something else to do for the month of April just not chasing deer.
Haven't heard any updates on on our colleague's situation....we're all thinking of the family and hope he is repairing well....I am also thinking of the poor bugga that had a brainfart .....we hope you can come to terms with your mistake...us old buggas remember how we got buck fever too and didn't always think properly....
Hi Madjon...how is the nephew getting on...I think there would be many of the guys on the forum keen to know he's recovering well...give him the best wishes from us all..
Tough time for sure,....my oldest boy is a paramedic/fireman,I showed him this thread,...he has had to deal with many gunshot victims here in Oregon when was only a paramedic,....his explanation of the complications of this type of injury is hard to listen too.....our thoughts and wishes for whanau and recovery....