Anybody got any experience of this island in Marlborough Sounds?
Anybody got any experience of this island in Marlborough Sounds?
Arapawa Island? An ex Defence Force workmate of mine, whom I haven't seen for 20 years, lives there doing the wwoofers thing...
10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.
Cheers guys yeah the wild sheep sound interesting.
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a guy at work has a batch there and said although there used to be heaps to hunt,in probly the last 10 years theres been buggar all. he said because a lot of people have been barging quads/small trucks there and taking everything hey see. said he sees more pigs etc across the water on the port underwood side lazing in the sun lol as he just got a high power spotting scope haha
We used to know old Betty Rowe who fought DOC's attempts to wipe out the Arawapawa sheep on the Island. When the sheep were almost gone we started to discover they had amazing properties that were very valuable to science. But they nearly went the way of the Auckland Island cattle....or the small, unique, but valuable whitetail herd in the Dart, Capples valleys that were poisoned last week.
use to hunt there a few years back,pulled a few good hogs off that island.....and a few outta the sea when they would take to the water to try and outrun/outsmart the dogs