In my introduction thread I was asked to post some stories of hunting in Austria… so here we go
In late July I set out to hunt for the yearling roe buck that I was allowed to take. I took a tent with me even though that is rather unusual in our area. Most areas are not that difficult to access… there are either forest roads or huts so you usually don’t need a tent at all. But I was heading into a very remote area and wanted to hunt for 3 days so a tent made sense.
On day 1 I hiked up a ridge.
I saw quite a lot of chamois and 1 roe doe in the far distance. In the evening I set up camp just below a summit and glassed the head of the valley.
Just before dark I did spot a yearling roe buck more than 1 km away.
After a few hours of sleep I headed further into the valley. The terrain was pretty rugged but at dawn I got close to the area where the buck had been the evening before. It did not take long to spot him again. He walked off and disappeared between some bushes. After quite a while he reappeared at 160 m and the shot dropped him instantly.
Later I took me 7 hours to get back to the car. It was a pretty heavy load after all.