Here you go (with edits for obvious reasons).
Here you go (with edits for obvious reasons).
I plot every deer or pig I shoot on google earth with calibre, range and month/year. It's neat looking over it later and also handy for sending to mates who want to know where the deer are (or were!).
I also photograph all the animals I shoot. It's a great wet weather activity, flicking through them...
It sounds like a good idea to me.
@craigc epic idea. I use it to plot all of our passages from the last 3 years. Interesting to see where we have been.
Yip I've got quite a healthy google earth file going. Where, what when etc. Great tool for finding new spots too, some hold deer, some hold pain an misery![]()
Have a lot on my rhino but sadly no deer on the ground moments yet after a year of hunting semi seriously. When I recover from my surgery and start getting back out there I think this might be something to get started. In the mean time I'm looking forward to heading down to my mates goat farm at the base of the Ruahines and knocking over some of the ugly venison he has on the borders.
Hey Gibo, I have kept a hunting/fishing/diving diary for the last 12 years. The following is the info I enter: Date,moon phase,location,observations,altitude/depth,weather,time, range to deer. Is real handy looking back over the same period for previous years. This means I can usually head straight to the "hotspots" and start glassing when hunting. Also good to have "local" knowledge on the deer which such a diary provides over time. Cheers
I keep it the freezer
I take a black and white photocopy of the topo map on my hunts.
As well as plotting animals seen/shot, I'll note the position of any sign seen and how fresh it seems, and any nice clearings or broadleaf stands etc that I come across. I add notes re the weather and often too the wind direction at different times of the day. To help with navigation I jot down the times that I reach different landmarks.
that journel should be a book now @Tahr
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
I do on upland game birds, it has halved the time I spend on non productive spots, birds seen or heard, to birds shot. Keeps my tallys honest too![]()