It happens to the best of us, normally in threes.
Fail number 1
In February I set up a game camera for the first time. The spot was a good one, plenty of sign, fresh tracks and a nice wallow, a spot I've seen, heard and shot deer. Strapped it to a tree, test triggered it and off we went. 3 weeks later, 3660 photos in the camera! "Holly shit" I thought! It was set to take 6 photos, 1 second apart each time it was triggered. I didn't realise the 6" tree would swing around in the wind so much, the flax bush in front of the camera would move so much in the wind and didn't think that as the sun setting and shining in the sensor would trigger it, but every day as the sun went down, a series of photos where take. Oh, and no deer, just a fantail in mid flight.
Fail number 2
I work for a large international company that produces and supports GPS systems for earthmoving machines. The sort of thing that uses GPS to control the hydraulics on a bulldozer. I sometimes travel to various places around the world to help contractors get to understand using this technology for increase there productivity. Phone call for the boss in the States the other week went something like this:
Boss: one of the other (US based) guys cannot make it to Sweden and Finland in March, I need you to go.
Me: when in march?
Boss: as soon as you can!
Me: I'm planning a couple of weeks off in March and April for the Roar.
Boss: that's nice, I didn't get a whitetail this year either, book your flights to Sweden!
Don't get me wrong, the work is good and the travel is ok, but the timing is shit! So I depart this coming Friday for two weeks. Planned on taking Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off to go hunting instead. This leads me to Fail number 3
Fail number 3
Antman arrives at my place in Darfield at 5:45am in the Saturday just been. We jump in ute and headed west. Just as I go to pull off the road into the carpark, another ute smashed into the back of us. We were down to about 20-30km/h, he said he was doing 110km/h, he did break before the impact. We were push forward, across the centerline and into the water table on the other side. Dropped it off at the panel beaters this morning, he told me to start looking on trademe for a new ute. So, not hunting today or tomorrow!
The other guy, Health and Safety guy his employer.