Originally Posted by
Delta Variant
We are naturally a species of hunters and gatherers.
We have gone hunting, fishing and gathering for tens of thousands of years.
Our ancestors relied on themselves and did not need or expect to be rescued if something went wrong.
Most of us are still the same. We take responsibility for ourselves, if we are men.
Hunting and gathering is "customary" for every member of our species. It is in all of our genes regardless of "ethnic" differences.
This idea that we cannot do what we want to because it might possibly expose someone else to any potential danger is WOKE NONESENSE and we should say so.
IMO, the proper definition of "woke" is "loser" and this "woke" culture turns everything to shit.
The "woke" losers have taken control of the political parties and our government because the rest of us allowed them to.
These people are omnipotent moral busybodies who feel entitled to tell everyone else what to do "for their own good".
The "woke" do not want anyone to hunt, shoot, fish or do anything else they disapprove of and are using their political participation and power to force the rest of us to obey them.
Isn't it time we told them to mind their own business and leave the rest of us alone so we can do the same?
The only way to do this is for more and more of the normal people to join, participate in and take control of the political parties so that we have representatives of the real people instead of the "woke" losers.