If I know one thing it's that getting older make everything harder. Coming up 50 which is a shock on it's own.
Between driving a desk, looking after a small workshop and a bunch of subcontractors and family I find it hard to get in much exercise.
Coupled with a dodgy hip from a bone/blood infection when I was a kid I have to be a little careful.
Anyway came to head a couple of years back with the hip etc could not lift the leg up to get into the car.
So 1x a week I have a session with an body trainer focusing on core, small mussel stability around the hip, posture etc.
2x a week I take the dog for a walk (4.6-5.3km) that involves 300-330 meters of vertical climb,
Fast walk only not allowed to run as Jarring and impact is an issue for the problem hip, Carry small day pack with Water bladder, gps, first aid kit and PLB, head lamp, emergency bag and blood bag etc etc etc + phone, wallet & keys. (Ie, all the basics that live in my day bag, excluding knife, ammo, food, coat etc.
I would love to do more but I need to give myself 48 hours recovery from the walks and one only has so much time to share around.