The strength you need is mainly in lower legs and to some extent in core. Naturally chin ups are very good for climbing in rough bush and so are dips.
Cardiovascular and VO2 max are classic training but surprisingly seldom critical in hunting. The 700m climb in 7km doesn't have to be done fast. Running can be helpful but most people get overuse injuries and it's not a functional training for hunting. Likewise training carry ing a heavy pack has limitations and wears out your back and joints if you do too much. Rule of thumb is to do less training than hunting. Your body only has so many kilogram.kilometres in it before parts need replacing.
Where you live, I would go up maungatautari once a week, taking the direct route from behind the exclosure not the new wheelchair road. This used to be the rootiest track in the country; I hope they dont try to tame too much more of it. Carry 10 or 20% of your body weight if you must but it won't be much fun.
I do the haka steps twice a week and although it looks fairly pedestrian it does build up balance and calf strength and the 22min climb part has a pretty good effect on my cardioresp capacity. I see this as low volume high intensity training.
Finally, avoid injuries specially sprained ankles.