The whole paleo thing is not really founded in sound thinking. Meaning, it does work and it is a good way to eat, but all the mumbo jumbo about ancient ancestors is make believe.
The selection pressure on diet is very very intense. People did not eat a varied diet. You ate what grew in your region and people did not move around much. Prior to modern medicine, people who struggled to digest what was available locally, died. The died early and the did not pass on their genes. Prior to modern medicine, food was medicine.
Peoples guts are generally quite specialized and as unique as peoples outward appearance.
"Paleo" just goes way too far back. Its a tad silly. Slow evolution is an old, debunked concept. If selection pressure is intense enough, specialization can happen in a just a few generations.
The "paleo" diet is better than a modern Western diet, but can't compare to a tuned diet.