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Thread: Hunting Manawatu

  1. #1
    Member DanS's Avatar
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    Palmerston North

    Hunting Manawatu

    Hey Guys and Gals,

    My name is Daniel and I have moved from Rotorua to Palmerston North at the start of last year for varsity, during the last year I have done alot of hunting around the Shannon Dams, being in the majority very unsuccessful, I am struggling to find sign even on clearings and the area gets hits hard, with most days during the roar there were at least 7 other cars in there with me, during the rest of the year the area doesn't seem to be as popular but still the sign has been lacking. I have also been up on top of the Otaki Forks with no success earlier this year for a week trip.

    I was after a little bit of guidance, and am not asking for your spot X just an area where I could put meat in the flat freezer, I would be after goats, deer or pigs.

    Also, I realize most farmers do pest control them self but if anyone had a farm/block that they wanted pest control done on, i.e. rabbits hares and possums I would be more than keen to get out there.

    Many thanks in advance guys,

    I can be contacted on danielshields@hotmail.co.nz or 0278769066


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Gudday Dan!

    Got a set of wheels? There is some easy goats near Wanganui on DoC land.
    Otherwise, google "coppermine creek". Its on the other side of the gorge and usually has animals in it. Its an easy meat larder - and its the same with the next catchment over.

    Also, I think its the last Wednesday of the month, Manawatu Deer Stalkers meet. Good way to meet some people and learn some stuff from the old f*rts.
    308 and Scouser like this.

  3. #3
    Member DanS's Avatar
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    Cheers alot man, have been emailing DoC , palmy lot were really good and helpful saying not many goats around here but they said to contact the Wanganui lot, have sent them 3 emails still no reply, probably to busy planning 1080 drops left right and center instead of offering culling and trapping jobs, but that's just my opinion on the controversial subject,

    Any rough area in Whanganui ? ,
    A friend of the old mans who I just got off the phone with suggested coppermine as well, will head in there mid week and try and avoid the trampers, Cheers

    and yeah next web page was gonna be the NZDA, cheers for your help
    Last edited by DanS; 29-07-2014 at 09:24 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I was up Atene Skyline walk in the Wanganui River Valley last Saturday - got a nice eater, and saw a LOT of goats!
    Bit of a climb onto the DoC land, but well worth it. Amazing views too.
    There are goats on the road if you have fast feet - don't think I need to say roadside shooting is never a good idea

  5. #5
    308 is offline
    Member 308's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum, Dan.

    My brief experience with Otaki Forks was a hike through to Waitewaewae Hut and there was quite a bit of sign on the high point saddle on that track.
    You can have that spot for free cos I can't be arsed walking that far again

    also +1 for joining ya local Deerstalkers

    Best results for pest control is scrub yourself up and go doorknocking (without a rifle on your shoulder) the likely looking farms in your area.

    Good luck with your progress and keep us posted

  6. #6
    Member DanS's Avatar
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    Cheers again Gerbs, nah dont really want to lose the ute aye roadside shooting haha, climb doesn't worry me to much on the other hand so will give that a look in,
    @308, otaki has been 1080'd to the max right up to the top ridge both sides of the creek made a true mess of the place. and yeh will give door knocking ago, grew up in a famring family and know the trust from farmers will be hard to get but will do my best , thanks

    Was looking at a trip into Longview hut (Ruahines) as soon as the snow melts as well.

  7. #7
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Wait until late spring / summer for tops mate
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  8. #8
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    A straight up honest approach I like that. Welcome Dan S
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  9. #9
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Welcome Dan

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    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  10. #10
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    Few people rave about the dams I guess some people are just lucky I huntdd there alot through last year without even seeing something. Otaki forks gets 1080d a bit. Theres still ohau valley and of course the eastern tararuas, haurangis and ruahines close by.

  11. #11
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Great intro Dan, welcome mate...
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    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  12. #12
    Member JayColli's Avatar
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    Try this spot out if you can find a way up:

    Kauarapaoa Scenic Reserve and Mystery Block Conservation Area: Whanganui hunting

    My buddies and I had success with goats up there 50% of the time but be careful about where/what you park and how you access the block as the easiest way in is along Bruce Road but the trail cuts through private property. With a compass and a bit of bush bashing you can get onto the trail and move deeper into the block with relative ease but once you're in there the southern reaches of the Kauarapaoa Stream have formed a deep gorge so you'll have to give it quite a wide birth and do some heavy bashing if you want to make it to the eastern boundary because that bridge shown on the map... has seen better days!!

  13. #13
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    Mate purchase the spot X book, has heaps of info. Are you into bush hunting or open country?? After the Haurangi's getting hit with green rain and running deer dogs i have just purchased as well.
    027 5422 985

  14. #14
    Member DanS's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the comments, this spot x book, where from mate?, and tbh don't mind either tops or bush, but only have a .243 and my shooting is pretty average over 250 so probably limited a bit

  15. #15
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Palmerston North
    You can get the spot x book from normal book stores man. I got mine from plaza.

    Make sure you have good "further lookers" for on the tops, saves a shit load of walking and you will see way more deer.



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