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Thread: Hunting in New Zealand

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Hunting in New Zealand

    Hello, I create a post because I wish with several friends come to hunt in New Zealand.

    I live in France and we dream of hunt in New Zealand, we have already seen several video reports and we find the beautiful scenery. The multitude of animals also makes us want to go hunting.

    So I wanted to know how it is possible to come and hunt, is it necessary to go through an organization?

    Thank you for your answers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Jafa land
    You don't need to go through a guide. You just need a permit to import your rifle. A visitors firearms license. A permit from department of conservation to hunt public land. And the when you leave you need to tell the police that the rifle is leaving the country. I think some form relating to that needs to be filled out.

    I think that's what you have to do.

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  3. #3
    P38 is offline
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    G'day Thomas

    What animals do you wish to hunt?

    What part of New Zealand are you visiting?

    Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.

    After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    plenty to shoot here without hiring a guide, no seasons on deer, pigs, goats etc. plenty of public land to shoot on too.

  5. #5
    R93 is offline
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    Can I bring a rifle, get a permit and come to France and hunt for free on public land like you can do in NZ?

    We just give our shit away to anyone and everyone at taxpayers expense. 😆

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    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Can I bring a rifle, get a permit and come to France and hunt for free on public land like you can do in NZ?

    We just give our shit away to anyone and everyone at taxpayers expense. 😆

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    In france,Not for free unfortunately.
    We don't neccessaraly give away, those guys are going to spend a few thousands dollar in NZ during their travel here.

  7. #7
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    In france,Not for free unfortunately.
    We don't neccessaraly give away, those guys are going to spend a few thousands dollar in NZ during their travel here.
    Yeah. Na.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  8. #8
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    Hello, yes we can why not invite you to hunt wild boar and roebuck in France. I can make some sort of hunting travel barter
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  9. #9
    Member keneff's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=R93;594130]Can I bring a rifle, get a permit and come to France and hunt for free on public land like you can do in NZ?

    We just give our shit away to anyone and everyone at taxpayers expense. 
    Good question, @R93. Of ours, the answer is: "not fukn likely, nobody else is that friggn stupid."
    Used to be a fine wine - now I'm vinegar.

  10. #10
    P38 is offline
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    Timmay and WallyR like this.
    Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.

    After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Salut les gars,
    Oui vous pouvez venir chasser en nz , mais c est plutot dur comme conditions Si vous ne connaissez pas les territories ou n 'avez pas l'aide d Un guide.
    D autre part pour importer vos Armes de chasse il vous faut Un sponsor avec une licence , ce que les autres ont oublier de vous preciser plus haut, vos Armes devant etre entreposees en coffre lorsqu elles Ne sont pas utilisees. Bien souvent c est le guide de chasse auquel vous ferez appel aux services qui vous sponsorisera.
    Vous aurez alors une licence d arme visteur pour la duree de votre sejour ( pas plus d Un an) avec vos Armes mentionnees dessu. Vous pouvez acquerir ici les munitions correspondantes, mais oubliez les 9.3x64 et 7x64 et autres teutonneries du meme genre , c est introuvable ici.
    Pour chasser sur territoires public, il suffit juste de remplir Un formulaire online et d imprimer et signer le reçu, c est gratuit la plus part du temps. Certains territoires en revanche sont soumis a des saisons ou a Un tirage au sort( fiordland) ou a reservations a l avance( Stewart island).
    Penser aussi qu a part en passant par les USA , tout arret prolongé ( hors escales d aeroport)en pays asiatique ou en australie complique severement le transport de vos petoires voir meme confiscation ou taxes( Thailand ). Et bien sur il est preferable de voyager avec une compagnie aerienne qui prend les Armes en soute ( emirate, air NZ , Korean ...par exemple) .
    Last edited by Friwi; 16-05-2017 at 08:35 PM.
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  12. #12
    I wont see any of it
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Thank you very much for all of her answers. I see you have a very active forum. But as Firwi says, I do not know the territories of New Zealand at all and I think a guide would be necessary.

    Do you know a guide with affordable prices? We wish to hunt tahr and why not the chamois.

    Afterwards if it is possible to shoot other things it will be great but we really come for a tahr and a chamois

  14. #14
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas51 View Post
    Thank you very much for all of her answers. I see you have a very active forum. But as Firwi says, I do not know the territories of New Zealand at all and I think a guide would be necessary.

    Do you know a guide with affordable prices? We wish to hunt tahr and why not the chamois.

    Afterwards if it is possible to shoot other things it will be great but we really come for a tahr and a chamois
    I can recommend John Royle, free range guiding at New Zealand Hunting Guide, Canterbury Tahr Hunting Services, Thar NZ

    He has a few videos on you tube to give you an idea, https://youtu.be/i910sIXfaM4
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  15. #15
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas51 View Post
    Thank you very much for all of her answers. I see you have a very active forum. But as Firwi says, I do not know the territories of New Zealand at all and I think a guide would be necessary.

    Do you know a guide with affordable prices?
    Try @R93
    If you are good looking he might give you a sort of.. discount.



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