NZ is a tourism destination which is great for NZ. I agree that they should pay for the right to hunt / Fish, we all do through our taxes. But then what would happen long term? most NZers can't afford to take there families to the tourism spots in our own land because the costs are geared for the oversees dollar. The govt will work out there's money to be made and then who knows what might happen to our so called free hunting.
How many of us have seen all off our beautiful country? Most people I know have seen more of the world than there own country, they are happy to pay the money to do all the things overseas and then come back and complain about the cost of seeing the sights in NZ.
Not sure what I'm trying to say but what really pisses me off is seeing them on a fishing charter and taking / catching a heap of fish which you know they aren't going to eat or send home.