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Thread: Hunting/shooting/government

  1. #31
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    If rats were passing bacteria to humans that resulted in death to humans, should we attempt to get rid of the rats and their bacteria? Or, if they kill less than the normal flu, less than car accidents, but we still get suicide deaths and others, should we say, "no, don't get rid of the rats." ?

    What people sometimes, are not seeing is, that we are not battling a virus that has killed 19 people (with lockdown measures), we are battling a virus that could kill thousands or more, if we expend no effort to stop it.

    It's the potential we are battling.

    And on the political aspect. I am apolitical, that means I don't support any of them.

    But if we elect someone to govern us, we should be thankful, they are not Trump ('merica) or Bolsonaro (Brasil) who both, have f**ked up their nation's response to the virus and have thereby killed thousands of people unnecessarily. We should remember in times like these, it's the government's job to do what's best for the people. Like a deer culler's job is to cull deer, despite what greenies say.

    Here's a reminder of what the USA and Brazil have lost, because they thought lock downs were not required, until it was bloody obvious, to even the most stupid of them, that if you don't lock down, you'll kill a lot of people. USA total deaths to date 56,144 Brazil 4,543 so far - remembering that the virus has an approximate 14 day cycle, so these numbers are still rising, whereas, NZ numbers are falling to near 0.

    I for one will happily comply with the lockdown measures, even if I bitch about fishing or hunting or other things I can't do. It's better than having to go to funerals.

    The economic aspect, will be hard for most of us, regarding money, but I'd rather struggle for a while and not lose thousands of people, some of whom I'll know. I remember my parents telling me of hard times when they were kids during WW2 and the rationing we had in NZ.

    And you won't have an economy if you're dead. Perhaps the rich people could take a profit holiday, instead of making out like bandits, with price hikes and monopolies.

    I wonder if there'll be more game next season, if there's less of them being shot right now, could be bumper crop next year.

    Mind you, it must be a bummer getting shot, just as you're about to hide the sausage.
    Scouser, Hewie and Phil_H like this.

  2. #32
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    Italy has sixty million people and as at today has had 27,000 deaths. For simplicities sake let’s be generous and say we have five million people (one twelfth of 60,000,000). How does ten thousand go in to 27,000 twelve times?
    if you are in politics.........................it just DOES!
    outlander likes this.

  3. #33
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    if you are in politics.........................it just DOES!
    Oh OK. Ha ha ha ha
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  4. #34
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    And on immunity, generally:

    lets say we have a virus and it's bad bits are represented by letters like this 'xxyx%@yzx', if you catch the virus and recover, you may have immunity to it. It depends on a multitude of factors about how the bits of the virus work and how effective your immune system is.

    The thing about viruses, is that they mutate all the time, they're quite small and simple compared to cellular organisms like us. Viruses do not have nuclei, organelles, or cytoplasm like cells do. So there is even debate, over whether or not a virus is "alive".

    So this virus is mutating all the time and I and you and most people got it and are immune. Now it mutates in six weeks time, it goes to 'xarx%@yzx' and we are not immune to the 'ar' bit, we could catch it, it may be bad or it may be harmless. Then 6 weeks later it mutates again to 'xarxk@yzx', it now may be bad, or it may be harmless, then it mutates again to farrk@yzx and it's very bad. Not just killing oldies who were on their way out, anymore now, killing kids, your kids, your neighbours kids....

    The only way to deal with an virus, of this transmissibility and unknown potential, is to get rid of it. Completely. Yeah, I'd try that.
    Scouser and Phil_H like this.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    I got mildly excited by the title of this thread and thought there had been a new firearms sporting activity introduced. Imagine how disappointed I feel now. Ha ha ha ha. Oh well, I live in hope.
    and then you read about people with sores on their junk...hope on Mr. Rushy.

  6. #36
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    Oct 2013
    I know that we're being bombarded with information (of various quality) from all directions - but this is an important read as we enter into Level 3


  7. #37
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hewie View Post
    I know that we're being bombarded with information (of various quality) from all directions - but this is an important read as we enter into Level 3

    Thank you Hewie, that's an excellent article, and in my view, very right and prescient.

    Getting back to my mutation ideas, because this virus is seemingly so transmissible, it only takes one or two of us, with the virus, to go to a 'rave' or what we used to call a 'party', then we've got another 50 or so people out there spreading it around.

    It may be that the virus loses oomph and fades away, by becoming weaker, but if it mutates and becomes worse, we don't really want to die in our thousands.

    I think that our bigger problem is going to be, preventing the virus reinfecting our people from overseas, we do still need trade, but how retain this trade, without close human to human contact and reinfection, will be a challenge.

    Actually, as a grumpy old man, I'm not suffering, by not being able to rub myself up against other people, like the fat girl from next door.

    Honestly, she lies in wait for people passing on the street, particularly ones with testosterone, and tries to snare them with appealing smiles and fluttering eyelids, she's like a trap door spider, but huge.
    Hewie and Saxguy like this.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkN View Post
    Thank you Hewie, that's an excellent article, and in my view, very right and prescient.

    Getting back to my mutation ideas, because this virus is seemingly so transmissible, it only takes one or two of us, with the virus, to go to a 'rave' or what we used to call a 'party', then we've got another 50 or so people out there spreading it around.

    It may be that the virus loses oomph and fades away, by becoming weaker, but if it mutates and becomes worse, we don't really want to die in our thousands.

    I think that our bigger problem is going to be, preventing the virus reinfecting our people from overseas, we do still need trade, but how retain this trade, without close human to human contact and reinfection, will be a challenge.

    Actually, as a grumpy old man, I'm not suffering, by not being able to rub myself up against other people, like the fat girl from next door.

    Honestly, she lies in wait for people passing on the street, particularly ones with testosterone, and tries to snare them with appealing smiles and fluttering eyelids, she's like a trap door spider, but huge.
    Name:  dabqmrk-1c269724-bc1d-42f2-83cc-86ab736b2906.jpg
Views: 446
Size:  155.4 KB

    just be careful she aint a black widow.........

  9. #39
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hewie View Post
    I know that we're being bombarded with information (of various quality) from all directions - but this is an important read as we enter into Level 3

    You think its important because it fits with your opinion but the glaringly obvious is that its only looking at one side of the equation. I listened to an oncologist today saying he was deeply concerned as cancer testing is down by 30%. With early diagnosis critical to many types how many cancer victims will loose their lives due to the lock down? Our local hospital emptied an entire ward and it sits idle when normally its busy, elective surgeries are stacking up even worse than before, suicide watch has reported a massive increase in those needing support that will no doubt end in loss of of life.
    Along with the economic fall out that has major implications going forward there are also serious consequences directly affecting the health of the population.
    ebf, mikee and ROKTOY like this.
    Just a slopy retrobate

  10. #40
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneeze View Post
    You think its important because it fits with your opinion but the glaringly obvious is that its only looking at one side of the equation. I listened to an oncologist today saying he was deeply concerned as cancer testing is down by 30%. With early diagnosis critical to many types how many cancer victims will loose their lives due to the lock down? Our local hospital emptied an entire ward and it sits idle when normally its busy, elective surgeries are stacking up even worse than before, suicide watch has reported a massive increase in those needing support that will no doubt end in loss of of life.
    Along with the economic fall out that has major implications going forward there are also serious consequences directly affecting the health of the population.
    You are quite right, in that other causes of death may rise, given the effect these Covid-19 prevention measures have had on our health system.

    Option A - For arguments sake, let us postulate that deaths from all other causes, that occur, if the health system is diminished by the Covid-19 prevention measures, rise by say 10%.

    Option B - Then think about what happens if there are no Covid-19 prevention measures, in addition to the normal deaths in NZ, the deaths from Covid-19 produced a graph that looks like this ::

    Name:  grph.png
Views: 284
Size:  2.4 KB

    I think I'd prefer Option A.

  11. #41
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonetropo View Post

    just be careful she aint a black widow.........
    yes that's her

  12. #42
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkN View Post
    You are quite right, in that other causes of death may rise, given the effect these Covid-19 prevention measures have had on our health system.

    Option A - For arguments sake, let us postulate that deaths from all other causes, that occur, if the health system is diminished by the Covid-19 prevention measures, rise by say 10%.

    Option B - Then think about what happens if there are no Covid-19 prevention measures, in addition to the normal deaths in NZ, the deaths from Covid-19 produced a graph that looks like this ::

    Attachment 138009

    I think I'd prefer Option A.
    Having just invented it Im not surprised you prefer it .
    Your 10% postulation is as relevant as your "no Covid-19 prevention measures at all" If you are going to put forward an argument at least make it slightly realistic.
    Just a slopy retrobate

  13. #43
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneeze View Post
    You think its important because it fits with your opinion but the glaringly obvious is that its only looking at one side of the equation. I listened to an oncologist today saying he was deeply concerned as cancer testing is down by 30%. With early diagnosis critical to many types how many cancer victims will loose their lives due to the lock down? Our local hospital emptied an entire ward and it sits idle when normally its busy, elective surgeries are stacking up even worse than before, suicide watch has reported a massive increase in those needing support that will no doubt end in loss of of life.
    Along with the economic fall out that has major implications going forward there are also serious consequences directly affecting the health of the population.
    This is my current deliema and to say Im concerned is putting it mildly. They are trying to treat me other ways at the moment, I have missed out because of this lockdown. Positive side............... still looking
    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  14. #44
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that mate, hope things improve for you.
    Just a slopy retrobate

  15. #45
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneeze View Post
    Having just invented it Im not surprised you prefer it .
    Your 10% postulation is as relevant as your "no Covid-19 prevention measures at all" If you are going to put forward an argument at least make it slightly realistic.
    Yes, I'm sure you're not being obtuse, I'm referencing your originally posted "I listened to an oncologist today saying he was deeply concerned as cancer testing is down by 30%"

    I would wonder what a 30% fall in testing, would do to a measurable death rate.

    For the sake of argument, i postulated perhaps a worst case death rate increase could be 10%.

    It's only a thought exercise, but I'm sure that if we had uncontrolled exposure to the Covid-19 virus, we'd be getting much higher occurrence of deaths than if we hobbled our Health system by 30% in the absence of this virus.



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