I have done a few hunts of exotics in Texas and managed to take Blackbuck and Aoudad. It's a great state to hunt with the variety of exotics available and in many if not most cases these are huntable by purchasing a Non Resident 5 day License for relatively inexpensive cost ( I think currently USD $48.00 ). I have also hunted Axis Deer but was unsuccessful due to my poor timing.
If you want to hunt native species, like Mule or Whitetail Deer the Non Resident License cost can run into several hundred USD and are huntable only during the prescribed hunting season. But some species are considered vermin e.g Coyotes, Mountain Lion and can be hunted anytime unlicensed ( but check this remains current )
The great thing about exotic hunts is that most can be hunted 12 months of the year dependant on landowner dictates. Some species are free range and / or low fence. Quite a few of the higher end exotics will be game fenced and you pay big money to hunt these and I'm not sure all these opportunities would give you a realistic hunt experience.
Hunts do cost and are sometimes quite short. There is practically no public land hunting in Texas and even where there is it's mostly relatively poor compared to private lands. So in many or most cases you will end up booking a hunt for species and dates, usually with an outfitter who has hunting rights on a specific property or properties. Options include unguided or guided ( tipping expected ) with on site or nearby lodging and meals provided, or not, or a bit of a mix of each of these. All these need to be worked out and agreed before you book and most likely you will be asked to forward a deposit with final payment due before the hunt commences.
If you might be looking at outfitters in west Texas one guy you could approach is Mulie McKinny https://www.westtexashunt.com/ a guy I have dealt with for two hunts and found to be very good to deal with.
Mike is one of several you could choose from and others can be found with a bit of searching.
Rural Texans are pretty friendly and laid back people. I know of Kiwis who have had offers of free hunting and been advised that no licenses are required as the game is a pest or exotic etc. etc. However you must ensure that you are properly permitted / licensed to engage in whatever hunting activity interests you. Like most states in the USA violations of game and hunting regulations are not treated lightly.
Hope that's of some help.
If I might make a recommendation and you have at least 4 to 5 days time avaible for hunting, look at a free range Aoudad hunt. Costs are increasing but are still not too ridiculous and a trophy hunt will truly give you a run for the money. Just a pity our exchange rate sucks a bit presently.
Also, check out the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. Quite a bit of info there about huntable game and categories they belong to.