Going bush stalking on the weekend. have a big problem, where to go??
Its not that i dont have a spot, the trouble is which one lol. As it stands right now i can think of 7 doc blocks that i can go to and all of them
the chances of seeing a deer is very high to extreming high.
Add on the fact that 3 of those spots you can go to 4 different areas for a full day hunt and all have equal chances.
Then i take in the fact of 5 more DOC spots i like and they all have a medium chance of seeing a deer. Plus theres always the other 5 spots that have low to medium chances i havn been to in awhile.
Then of cause i have 3 new spots line up i really want to go to and hant been before but the chances of a deer in those are medium to high from my intel.
Mmm..... its a hard choice.
This is Bush Stalking Tip NO 5.......Find as many areas as you can, then you have a great problem..which one lol.
Still, gives you great options of you want a short hunt, a long hunt, want drive 20 mins or 2 hours. Want get a stag? or a yearling? Got weather options if its crap in one area, might be good elsewhere.
Cant cross the river, try plan D E F. Winds crap in 4, Pick one in the other 12.
Stops you getting bored as well hunting one or two areas all the time and the best hunts tend to be in new country as you never know what you going to find.
Anyway, big decisions ahead where to go and then theres always what rifle to take!
Mmm, the go to just awesome bush rifle the243? Or the 308, or maybe the 223 but thats another story for Bush stalking tip NoO 6 for another time
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