I love shooting wild cats and get heaps of practice here on Banks Peninsula with cats being constantly re introduced by pet cats being brought to holiday homes and not wanting to go back to the big smoke after their holidays.
We also see a lot of them in the Canterbury high country and I have turned down the odd shot at a deer in preference to getting a sneaky wild cat.
I shot this one a few years ago with my 9.3x62
Shot one last friday afternoon when driving out from the Canterbury high country with Matt 2308.
We saw it on the side of the shingle road and slammed on the brakes.
All the rifles were locked away in the back of the truck and there was a mad dash for a weapon by me.
Matt ( experienced fox hunter from the UK ) got straight into making a wounded rabbit call and brought me enough time to load up and take a 30m running shot that blew the cat to pieces.
Bloody good result and nice way to finish a great trip into the high country.
Must get Matt to show me what he did because it certainly created some confusion with that cat.