I was using the scrub saw one day and four kittens ran out and into bits of nearby rubbish - I put the saw down and caught them one by one - lucky I was wearing gloves
I don’t live on our block - I see the odd cat run, but never have a rifle - just resort to cages and Timms - often takes a few weeks to score - trying different bait - fish is good
Problem with a cage if you catch a kitten - it’s a great learning experience for mum and the rest of the kittens - they get very cagy - don’t go in there!
You guys are doing some amazing work on cats - hard to believe the size of those cats - just think of what they are killing - cats are our most underrated bird predator - but seems it is not PC to promote killing feral cats
If I see our pheasant numbers falling - I know there are cats around - they kill pheasants rapidly and I see the carcases around