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Thread: Hutt etiquette

  1. #31
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    Don't write in the hut book that you spent all day cutting firewood when in actual fact you only dragged two half rotten branches out of the scrub.
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  2. #32
    P38 is offline
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    I've never had any issues with Firearms in Huts and yes I follow similar processes as above.

    Some non hunting types have shown some interest and have been happy once reassured and demonstrated that the firearm was in a safe condition.

    Biggest issue I've ever had is letting rip in the old fart sack one night about 10 mins after the entire hut was settled and quiet.

    This set off a round of Healthy replies and a few chuckles from other hut users .... all except one old Bat that is.

    Man did she chuck her toys ..... gave us all a bloody good ear full too.

    I honestly tried to listen to what she was saying but all I heard was Blah Blah Blah!

    She was still going on about it when she woke up at 4am the next morning as I was preparing to leave the hut.

    Seems farting in your sleeping bag is a totally unnecessary, foul and completely immature act, especially when you comment Ahhhh that's Better.


  3. #33
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post
    I've never had any issues with Firearms in Huts and yes I follow similar processes as above.

    Some non hunting types have shown some interest and have been happy once reassured and demonstrated that the firearm was in a safe condition.

    Biggest issue I've ever had is letting rip in the old fart sack one night about 10 mins after the entire hut was settled and quiet.

    This set off a round of Healthy replies and a few chuckles from other hut users .... all except one old Bat that is.

    Man did she chuck her toys ..... gave us all a bloody good ear full too.

    I honestly tried to listen to what she was saying but all I heard was Blah Blah Blah!

    She was still going on about it when she woke up at 4am the next morning as I was preparing to leave the hut.

    Seems farting in your sleeping bag is a totally unnecessary, foul and completely immature act, especially when you comment Ahhhh that's Better.

    A couple of cable ties on her sleeping bag zips would sort her out...come morning, that is.
    Dawg likes this.
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  4. #34
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusky View Post
    Yep bolt removed and ammo as well. I learnt a lesson last time and that is to not lean the rifle against the wall near the end of the bed. I forget how tall I am and stretched out a wee bit too much and knocked it over in the dead of the night which gave an almighty thud. Gave everyone in the hut including myself a wee fright and apologized immediately, but they were all good buggers about it. Lay your rifle down or swing it over something secure is my advice.

    I have told 2 hunters to remove bolt at hut door step before, they didn't like that

    I also offer my bunk to those that come into a hut if none are free.
    Do you vacate the bunk?
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  5. #35
    Member Rusky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spook View Post
    Do you vacate the bunk?
    Depends what gender they are and how cold it is
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  6. #36
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    I had a bit shit from a bunch of asians nobs when hunting the tops, bitching because I had a snipers rifle (The 338LM in AI stock) after a little discussion with the group leader assured him that it was legal to own rifle and no I was not going to leave it outside the hut, bad looks all night they started up again in the morning so I told them to fu-k up and I fu-ked off.
    Dawg likes this.

  7. #37
    Member oneshot's Avatar
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    I haven't stayed in a hut for a few years now, they are just possum and rat magnets, I only use huts if the weather has turned to custard big time. You certainly meet some real strange sorts in the bush though that's for sure, I could write a book about all the weirdo's I've met in bush huts.
    EeeBees likes this.
    Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

  8. #38
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    The only people that have pissed me off big time were a group of hunters that all got pissed and started to grope a couple of female trampers. Told them to fuck off. They were a right bunch of pricks. Not a good look for hunters in general.

  9. #39
    sneakywaza I got
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    Off the OP's original direction, but "hut etiquette" just the same.

    Was up the Macaulay river last weekend, being groundie and transport for a couple of young fellas I know that climb, Sibbald and Ross were the targets for the weekend. Rocked up to the Macaulay hut, sorted put the gear and off we went to set up a camp at the tarn up in the Upper tindall. I later walked back to the hut after we discussed the need for an updated weather report. Macaulay has a mountain radio and I could get an area specific weather update that I could radio up the mountain in the morning.

    Imagine my surprise to arrive at the hut 1130 hrs to find it packed to the rafters with drunken Christchurch white trash in full party mode. Walked in the door after deliberating outside for a minute or three, and was hit with the 35 degree heat from the fire on full blast, stereo on full tit, the shouting bellowing racket of a typical drunken piss up, the stench and wreckage of several drunken massive fry ups, and the site of multiple 40 ounce spirits bottles in various states of emptiness. I stood in the open doorway and looked them over for a minute, then shook my head in disbelief and went back out side. Made a meal and a brew and sat outside under a sky that had suddenly cleared over the valley and watched the stars for a while. Unfortunately for me, my bivvy bag was up on Sibbald and rain was on the way......... So I grabbed a pair of earplugs, stuck them in, went and grabbed a bunk and pulled a set of earmuffs over the top and attempted to sleep.0230 before they packed it in for the night. Felt the need to sleep with my hunting knife under the small of my back, in case the silly fucksticks got brave while I was asleep, I had felt the undercurrent, but none of them quite brave enough to openly challenge me ( was fairly clear what I thought of them, but at 11 to one not in a position to sort them out)

    Next morning at 0500, made breakfast and a brew, gave their poor dog a bowl of water and a pat, then went to get on the mountain radio to get a weather report....... no radio, just a busted cable that used to connect to the solar panel on the roof. Them? dunno, maybe/maybe not. Sorted my gear and set back off up the valley, got comms on at the Upper Tindall and talked to the boys who were well on the way to the summit, but had been stopped by reduced visibility, down to about 5m for them, below the tarn about 50m for me, we agreed to wait out for a bit as I was going to work out if it was going to lift before they did, weather deteriorated and they retreated in zero visibility for a while, but made it back to the tarn.

    Back down in the main valley around midday, seemed like a good idea to walk up the to head of the valley and glass on the way up and generally have a look around. headed back to the hut as the next target was to be Mt Ross and the plan was to grab the truck and camp well away from the hut, we get to the hut around 2100, to discover one vehicle had left but the rest were still there and in piss up mode still. They had set up targets at the hut that they had been hammering at with at least one .22 semi, I checked the truck for holes.........

    We would, at that point pissed of down the valley but: a couple from the Chech republic had walked in from the road end during the day, and did not have tent or bivvy bags, we actually considered they/she would be at risk from them if they were left , so we stayed, he was a nice guy, an experienced European climber on a working climbing holiday here, she mostly stayed out of sight in the bunk house section, we let him know he could come to us for support if anything rang his bell, the odds were still steep, but manageable as mutual support was available, one of my boys is a current serving infantry corporal originally trained by me in close combat, so push come to shove it would have been interesting for all. They shut down about 0130.

    We left early, (while the drunken trash snored and farted in the sleep that would probably last till lunchtime) to set up for a go at Mt Ross, the young couple were going to gear up to walk out again, and indicated they were ok, so we left to carry out our plan.

    I haven't bothered with public vehicle access huts in a long time, the wrong people go there. Don't see me using one ever again if this is now the typical NZ'r behaviour in the back country. I will use huts you have to walk to over or through difficult terrain, that weeds out the rubbish I reckon.

    The Macaulay is a beautiful hut in a great valley. sigh....
    P38, sakokid and Dawg like this.

  10. #40
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    Last time I stayed at oamaru hut I took ammo and bolt out of rifle before going up the stairs to the hut and then stored it in the rifle rack in the dormatory. I recall an incident that was spoken about on the other forum a few years back where a hunter accidentally discharged his firearm in the hut where it went through walls and through a bunk rail.

    To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals

  11. #41
    res is offline
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    Huts that you can drive to seem to be steadily reducing in number as they get burnt down and not replaced
    Using Tapatalk

  12. #42
    Member oneshot's Avatar
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    A good few years ago when I was 16 I was sitting on the porch of Totara Flats hut with my pack and rifle, 4 doc blokes landed their helicopter on the flats and came up to the hut, one of then started giving me a hard time saying if I didn't have a hut ticket I had to go somewhere else, I said I wasn't staying in the hut just sitting out on the porch with my pack. He still said I had to go somewhere else and demanded to see my rifle, I was only a kid and four grown men fronting me wasn't a good feeling, when the lippy bloke went to grab my rifle I stood up and told him to fuck off, he took a step forwards like he was going to step me out, one of his mates then told him to leave me alone as I was just a kid. I cant tell you how pissed off I was and that prick made me feel like a criminal, here I was at 16 thinking this grown man (tough guy wanabe) was going to flatten me. It would be a different story these days if that happened, the bloke would be picking up his teeth and crawling back to his chopper, I should have made an official complaint to DOC but I was young and didn't know what to do. I must admit for a few years after that I had a strong disliking for DOC because of one assholes attitude when they should have been encouraging young fellas like me.
    Since then I have met some outstanding fellas that work for DOC over the years who have gone out of their way to help me out in the bush, telling me where the animals are, giving me a lift on their quads/4x4.
    Last edited by oneshot; 18-12-2014 at 08:38 AM.
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    Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

  13. #43
    Sending it Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    I haven't stayed in a hut for a few years now, they are just possum and rat magnets, I only use huts if the weather has turned to custard big time. You certainly meet some real strange sorts in the bush though that's for sure, I could write a book about all the weirdo's I've met in bush huts.
    I would read it
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  14. #44
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusky View Post

    I also offer my bunk to those that come into a hut if none are free.
    I only do that for female tourists (wink, wink)
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt

  15. #45
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    the trick is to fart and not get caught...even better if you could put the blame on someone else...LMAO
    Dawg likes this.
    You can't fool me, I am too stupid.



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