When we were mustering in the Canterbury high country you soon got used to going all day without a drink, especially if you had a high beat, so I was used to going for extended periods without drinking, lots of other guys the same, in FO parties (I was a Sig so a big radio load in addition to the usual crap) much the same.
The modern fad of drinking every two minutes is complete bullshit, just a con by the bottled water people. Just the other day I happened to be working extremely hard in hot weather piling a house foundation. Helping me was a Doctor, once one of NZs high level athletes, he and I discussed hydration and he confirmed that there is nothing wrong with going extended periods without a drink. We both went about 5 hours before we got offsite and had a drink. To be fair I do find it a bit harder now I'm on the wrong side of 60, and 5-6 hours is about my limit.
So my approach is to take a drink from streams etc (treat it if there is a giardia risk) when the opportunity presents and plan to camp where there is water. If you are planning a dry camp then obviously this approach needs modification . . .