I don't carry water unless I have to. Drink from rivers and streams but do carry a hydropak so can fill up when needed get a good drink or for at camp.
2L water bladder for me with the home made electrolytes in it. You will find the recipe for it on search, been drinking it so long now I can't stand brought electrolytes
Did a trail run on Saturday, probably drank 6 litres of electrolyte mix, still got cramp numerous times. Obviously it didn’t contain what I needed. Plenty of people swear by this one or that one, but is the stuff actually working, or did they not really need it in the first place? Never had cramp while running until Saturday, and normally drink plain old water, and way less of it.
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First couple of hunts I carried in 3L, but have started taking a power aid in and using the empty bottle to drink from rivers once the power aid is gone. Have been hunting in the Kaimais and havnt been sick yet, so I'm guessing the rivers are fine to drink from there.
Water bladder for me, can sip away on it during the day, in hot conditions I’ll throw a thortz hydration sachet or two in it.
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
lot of helpful responses thanks
looks like a water bladder could be the go and electrolyte sachets/home brews as needed
Depends on where I‘m going. For day hunts I carry 1-2 liters and a filter system.
Hardly ever take unfiltered water. Risk is just too high.
I use a Nalgene or similar bottle for drinking & then have a 3L Hydrapack Seeker with their 42mm filter cap on it.
I don't fill the 3L unless I'm filtering water through it or heading somewhere that I'm not sure I'll find water.
I must be getting old, perhaps more grumpy and old. What’s wrong with an old coke bottle? It’s free and works perfectly well. I take a couple if I’m staying up high away from water and think I’ll need a bit more for me and the dog. I’ve looked at the prices of some of these flash hydration systems and they appear to be just another way to get rid of money. Finding clean water down this part of the country is not to much of a problem normally so no filtering for me.
I'm terrible at drinking at the best of times, more so when hunting, my poor kidneys! Carry one or two 500ml collapsible bottles which fit in my belt pouches. In winter, I can sometimes find water, but not usually in summer. I'll add a water purification tablet.
Hydrapak Force 3L Bladder, Hydrapak Stow flexible 1L bottle, and a hydrapak filter. Weighs bugger all, takes up little space, and gives me good carrying capacity. I don't usually fill the bladder up unless I know ill be grunting it and sweating hard. Prefer the 3L bladder as if you fill it up before making camp you have enough to cook and clean up with. Having the bottle is good for making electrolyte mixes and you can use it as a hot water bottle to an extent.
I use hydrapak 3l as well but I use the same electrolytes I use for shear (Preston hydration) and treat my hunts a bit the same ie with a pre load etc, try and carry as little as possible and fill up as I go as got the filter on my back but not always much water in kawekas unless u near huts or in crap gully’s lol
Normally nothing but occasionally from creaks.
I now leave a water bottle on the bike if I have it with me, just water and a very small amount of un-iodised salt in it, not enough to taste. Remember if you need hydrating in hospital they use saline. Your kidneys and salt to work.
You can get electrolyte with caffeine sachets from the super markets . $3 for a 3 pack, add to 700ML of water and shake. Their quickly becoming my go to so I don't have to carry coffee which obviously dehydrates you.
Keep it simple- hand me a model 7 7mm08 and I'll be right