if i can get my shit together Al ill take you out in a few weeks
if i can get my shit together Al ill take you out in a few weeks
I got my first goat about 600m from the Remutaka hill rd trig. Have seen plenty in the Cross Creek area, but you need to be 200m from the rail trail which can be gnarly.
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Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!
If you want to travel for goats head to Wairoa area. My daughters partner has a family owned forest block there where they shot 5000 goats between pine rotations (using P cat AR15's and leaving the goats to rot). Mahia Peninsula has goats everywhere you look. The whole area stinks like billy goat when the wind is right. I don't know the situation about public access but there are so many goats in the area they are a driving hazard.
I must be one of the few people that like hunting goats in the bush. Mainly because of geography and lack of deer I suppose, but also because they aren't difficult to hunt a lot of the time. That said, bush hunting can be tricky and if the goats have been heavily culled, they can get skittish. My family lived on goat meat (and fish) for a few years at least. Not because we had to, but by choice. Ethical, organic meat etc. I select the kids and young nannies to shoot and usually pass on the big stinky billies unless they have a trophy head (few do in my area). A couple of trips to Taranaki was an eye opener in terms of number of animals. The OP could drive a little way north for some guaranteed action.
Sorry@Dan88,you could be right about the Terewiti Block tenure.I was shooting for DOC some time ago and that block was on our beat.I was lead to believe it was a DOC reserve come about from the land swap deal from Terewiti Stn(ex Lands and Survey)approval to install the wind farm.Various scrubby reverting gullies fenced off from Stn grazing to provide Kiwi habitat.If I'm wrong and it's only in DOC stewartship,then hit up Terewiti Stn for access.Not as high numbers as over in the Rimutakas/Orongas
Plenty over corner creek way.
I just got back from south taranaki and the place is crawling with them!
Living in south Canterbury I actually MISS having goats to hunt.wallabies fill in but just not the same.its a few hours drive to anywhere that is supposed to have hunt able population of goats for me.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Up here. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/new-...aka-trig-track
Go straight/rightish at the last turn left to the trig. You will pick up a sort of route that leads to the big basins in the eastern creek head waters. Don't drop off the leading spur too much.
Or go past the trig and you can drop to the right and into the some nice country.
Always goats there some where.
Be respectful of day walkers on the track, eh.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi