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I'm hunting sheep next season. As as spectator, not a hunter. @30.06king Kate tagged out with her first hunter on day one of the first hunt with an eleven year old ram.
Great start to the season.
I was so jealouse of her boots, pretty as.
As for the stoney, nah will never be that lucky.
She looked like a great trooper,that's a lot of walking and a lot of pack to carry. You go girl.
What a machine, in fact the complete package.
Good on Kate ! That's quite the achievement considering the usual odds faced in that country. And more aften than not weather plays havoc with best intentions.
An eleven year old ram would make the client hugely happy I would think. I'm glad I'm not the one paying the hunt cost. The cost these days of a Stone Sheep hunt are unreal.
Would be pretty cool to be an observer on a hunt. I bet you enjoy that.
Does Kate get any opportunities to do any personal hunting during the season, or after clients have finished ?
She looks the real deal. NONE of the usual look-at-me ra-ra that we normally expect with American females featuring in such videos. Hat off to her, that was a real hunt.
Nice to see a walk in Stone hunt, not many put in the hard yards just to get in country, mostly horseback or plane. When I was there in 2015/16 a Stone hunt was US$51,000, approximately $20k of that was the trophy fee, some of which went to the outfitter and some went to their "Fish and Wildlife" for tags etc. It is a demanding hunt, in freaking cool country.
And our guiding fraternity were charging US$7000 for a thar - a trophy as equally difficult and scarce to obtain as a Stone Ram. But no, instead of capitalising on a very sought after trophy and up the price, our guiding fraternity chose to do use the old Woolworths system - sell it cheap as and who gives a shit if we fuck the resource.
It was great to see the hard yards being done. For sure the Sitka brand was splashed but it's thier video,they picking up the bill. This young woman looks to have done a great job. Those other two young ladies doing some guiding over that way always strike me as really down to earth good lasses too. I think what was meant a few posts back..was the look at me...type video we do see a lot of.gender doesn't come into it.
Wow that's a lot of kms walking.
The common theme that I see in all these American vids (asides from the matching camo) is that they Do Not like getting their feet wet!
All in all a well deserved trophy by the looks
I think my favourite part, was the part where one of the lads said 4 days walking, maybe a reference to some big km walked, and asked how many sheep seen? She did the zero sign, with a smile.
I think that’s what’s easily missed when we watch these hunting videos, in 30 minutes there are normally multiple animals seen.
Trophies turned down, as not old enough, not good enough, then a cracker shot at 550 meters, rarely missed.