Forum: Hunting

All things hunting related for Deer, Tahr, Chamois, Pigs or anything else

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: Kaimanawa Forest Park.

    Started by bigbear‎, 06-10-2023 08:31 PM
    4 Pages
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    • Replies: 48
    • Views: 21,143
    11-04-2024, 03:49 PM Go to last post
  1. Doc hunting permits no go

    Started by veitnamcam‎, 13-04-2012 09:49 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    4x4, away, bag, box, bush, button, computer, deer, doc, doc boundaries, free, fur, game, goats, google, gps, half, history, hunt, hunter, hunting, information, install, kit, kiwi, load, long, low, mac, machine, mail, maps, open, people, permit, permits, phone, print, public, rain, recreation, restricted, safe, safety, saftey, security, small game, smaller, software, spots, stewart, stewart island, tac, type, working
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 6,127
    23-04-2012, 08:12 AM Go to last post
  2. FILM: Amax on deer

    Started by Norway‎, 18-04-2012 11:22 PM
    223, amax, ar15, arms, bullet, calibre, chest, deer, dog, fallow, forum, hunter, load, magazine, max, money, mos, norway, pic, pictures, rail, red, river, rock river, rock river arms, sharp, shot, smk, trail, video, watch, youtube
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 2,496
    22-04-2012, 05:07 PM Go to last post
  3. If you hunt the Urewera's, Shame on you

    Started by Philipo‎, 20-04-2012 11:41 PM
    bag, bastards, boat, bush, fly, fur, glass, heading, hunt, hut, long, north, philipo, river, roar, sleeping, sleeping bag, trip, urewera
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 3,062
    21-04-2012, 10:33 PM Go to last post
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,963
    21-04-2012, 12:44 PM Go to last post
  4. Quick and easy submission for the Game Animal Council select committee

    Started by Greg Duley‎, 11-04-2012 07:18 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    1080, 300, 3006, alpine, association, auckland, away, big game, button, case, chamois, cheers, club, debate, deer, deerstalkers, doc, drive, duley, extension, finnbear, fire, fish, forum, free, game, gre, half, hamilton, hearing, heavy, heli, helicopter, hunters, hunting, hunting., information, kiwi, labour, land, lock, long, marks, mos, mount, new zealand, nzda, overnight, part, people, pigs, poi, print, public, public land, pull, questions, range, reading, recommendations, recon, red, round, safety, south island, stan, stand, tahr, tent, thank you, top, topics, type, valley, venison, wanted, wapiti, wild, working, zealand
    • Replies: 45
    • Views: 7,409
    17-04-2012, 10:05 PM Go to last post
  5. Sika

    Started by baldbob‎, 15-04-2012 07:09 PM
    how to, hunt, hunting, member, pics, sika, stag
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,022
    15-04-2012, 08:01 PM Go to last post
  6. Shooting in Taranaki

    Started by thedrunkfish‎, 15-04-2012 06:55 PM
    north, shooting, taranaki
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,956
    15-04-2012, 07:35 PM Go to last post
  7. Hunter found Dead in Wairarapa 07/04/2012

    Started by love2hunt‎, 07-04-2012 06:06 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2 way radios, 300, 708, 750, actions, air, attack, away, basic, bastards, beanie, blind, book, bright, bush, cases, clothing, condition, dead, death, debate, deer, die, discovery, fella, hearing, hunt, hunter, hunters, hunting, images, ior, late, light, load, lost, low, mat, member, mos, new to hunting, open, orange, part, party, people, phone, poi, pointer, police, red, red deer, report, road, roar, rules, safe, safety, shoot, shooter, shooting, shot, sig, sign, sounds, stag, stan, tahr, target, test, the roar, tool, top, weight, wild, young, young hunter
    • Replies: 42
    • Views: 6,659
    14-04-2012, 12:07 PM Go to last post
  8. Moved: Ashlees fist Red Stag

    Started by Kiwi Greg‎, 13-04-2012 10:02 PM
  9. Heaviest Red stag...

    Started by sertorius‎, 03-04-2012 05:34 PM
    260, body, bush, competition, condition, deer, doc, eating, heavy, hook, hunting, kaimais, land, long, mos, people, photos, poi, pointer, red, red stag, roar, shot, spiker, stag, stags, terminator, the roar, trailer, velvet, wood, young
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 3,049
    12-04-2012, 07:40 PM Go to last post
  10. Anyone in the taumaranui area

    Started by Rock river arms hunter‎, 06-04-2012 02:16 PM
    auckland, cheers, deer, heading, lake, north, roaring, taupo
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,152
    10-04-2012, 08:15 PM Go to last post
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,995
    09-04-2012, 10:40 PM Go to last post
  11. Anyone had luck with the Japs?

    Started by Beavis‎, 09-04-2012 06:09 PM
    away, binos, bush, deer, doc, feed, gear, glassing, hunt, hunting, land, late, long range, low, max, meat, new to hunting, open, range, red, rifles, roar, roaring, satellite, shoot, shot, sika, single, stag, stags, tac, tracks, win, winter
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,894
    09-04-2012, 08:07 PM Go to last post
  12. Christchurch City Stags

    Started by keen fella‎, 31-03-2012 11:04 AM
    7mm, arrow, bike, bottle, bow, cheap, christchurch, deer, edge, feed, fella, firearms, fishing, gun, gunworks, hills, hunt, long, low, mag, mountain, poi, quad, rem, road, roaring, rust, safe, shooting, shorts, sighting, spring, stag, stags, the roar, top, tracking, truck, wheeler, wild
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 3,794
    08-04-2012, 10:58 PM Go to last post
  13. good friday for Kev

    Started by greghud‎, 07-04-2012 07:40 PM
    .308, 308, action, bang, bolt, bullet, bush, caller, calling, dead, deer, face, half, hunters, hunting, hut, light, lost, mag, new zealand, open, part, phone, pointer, position, quiet, remington, rifle, roar, rounds, shoot, shot, single, single shot, spiker, stags, sun, top, tracks, wanted, working, zealand
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,555
    08-04-2012, 01:57 PM Go to last post
  14. gregs roar report

    Started by greghud‎, 04-04-2012 09:01 AM
    .308, 308, bad, breaking, bullet, bush, caller, callers, calling, chest, dead, deer, electronic, fire, funny, gun, half, heading, hunt, hunter, light, meat, pack, photos, poi, pointer, quiet, rail, rifle, roar, scope, shadow, shooting, shot, shoulder, sig, sign, skin, stags, stalking, stan, top, trail, valley, venison, watch, weather
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,998
    04-04-2012, 08:13 PM Go to last post
  15. Schmidt & Bender PMII delivers (FILM)

    Started by Norway‎, 31-03-2012 05:37 PM
    bag, binos, bunnies, chamois, deer, die, dog, for sale, leica, light, lost, measurement, mule, norway, poi, sako, sale, schmidt and bender, scope, scopes, selling, shoot, tasco, tools, trip, turret, tussock, video, watch, youtube, zeiss
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 4,442
    04-04-2012, 01:24 PM Go to last post
  16. Dome valley / kaipara flats

    Started by faregame‎, 01-04-2012 05:32 PM
    away, beer, club, doc, forum, fur, hunting, kaipara, land, low, north, permit, road, supplies, valley
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,640
    03-04-2012, 08:53 PM Go to last post
  17. roaring

    Started by baldbob‎, 03-03-2012 08:39 PM
    deer, noise, roar, roaring, rotorua, round, shot, spare, spiker, stag, stags, ute, wild
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,185
    31-03-2012, 09:15 PM Go to last post
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 5,630
    31-03-2012, 05:38 PM Go to last post


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