84 deer travelled an average of 31 yards after being shot with a .270
SCDNR - Wildlife Information
84 deer travelled an average of 31 yards after being shot with a .270
SCDNR - Wildlife Information
Interesting read.
Shot placement..#1.
that is a good read. so using a dog expect to improve your chance of bringing home a deer by 20 % , shoot them square in the shoulder, and stop using ttsx's .
Looks like well worth a good read.
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
That's about as good a summary as I've read. And very gratifying, me being a .243 Win soft point shoulder shooter who's been harangued and scolded and generally belittled by .30-06 Partition heart shooters since the mid 80s!
With one exception the only time any of the deer that I have shot have "traveled" are rolling down the hill to my feet. It's always the shoulder for me.
said it before and guaranteed to say it again......they dont go far when you take the front wheels out.
And one over on the monolithics too... god knows I hope the enviro-hippycrites don’t bring the anti-lead cobblers to fruition... soft and frangible will always be the way to go for a fast and ethical kill for deer.
I shoot in the front shoulders most of the time no messing about, but its not often a deer will drop on the spot unless the shoulder joint is smashed, usually go 20 yards. Dead on their feet all the time though. Dead is dead.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
rather dumb to lump partitions in with monos....the partition is both soft and hard.....more towards the soft in preformance with bonus of penertration more towards hard.....
Flyblown,the .243 is SUPPOSED to be fired into shoulders to make it work.....we cant all be dead eye dicks and head/neck shoot everything.
The hard bullet category seems a little skewed.
"Also, bullets that are generally accepted as being too heavy for southeastern sized deer were placed in this group."
Mentions the barns X bullet so it's a little out of date wne it comes to all copper alloy bullets.
Just a slopy retrobate
I have shot deer with cartridges from a .30-06 down to a pure lead bullet in a black powder .44-40 and they all died where they were standing or within a few yards depending on where I hit them.
Deer are pretty easy to kill with some form of rifle I have decided.