I'm 50/50 - sort of.
If you don't have hunters coming on, everyone suffers to some degree or other.
By the same token, the 'newbies' need to prove that they're serious about hunting.
Suggestion: Take a newbie out and observe how he behaves.
At camp, let him/her know, that finding animals isn't a 'given'.
If they're not prepared to learn, be disappointed and keep trying until they get their No 1 humane kill, then hunting isn't a 'time filler' that they find elsewhere.
Usually - in most cases - some coaching in hunting techniques and shooting practises will sort the wheat from the chaff.
Obviously, the 'stayers' can be trusted not to abuse your spot X location, but make it clear that the trust is earned, NOT given because they are friend's kids, rellies or workmates.
Hence the 'run around' for a couple of trips before the spot X is visited - just get there using a different, longer route than you'd normally use.
If the newbie is genuine, he/she'll work it out and join in the laugh.