Im a new hunter, and I have been guilty of asking a bit of advice on here, so I should explain myself...
I have allways loved the outdoors, and am a keen fisherman and diver. I have always wanted to get into hunting, but knew nobody to show me the ropes. Finally decided to give it a crack on my own.
Ive never asked for any secret spots or anything, But I have asked if Im in the right area etc. I had no idea where to look, what to look for and how to do it.
I have got some great tips and info from this forum. I now know a little bit, and am putting in the yards and learning every time. Weather you have got advice online like me, or passed down from your father/grandfather, I dont believe every hunter has figured it out with no help at all. But I can also appreciate other peoples secrecy too.
So each to their own I reckon.