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Thread: Introduction (to Taranaki)

  1. #1
    cally woo
    Join Date
    Sep 2022

    Introduction (to Taranaki)

    I have finally moved to Taranaki after months and months of organising and all the BS involved with moving.

    New(ish) to both hunting and the forum. (1yr Bowhunter who has only made 2 goat curries so far. hah)

    I am hoping to stick to goats for a little longer while I build the confidence of my shots and equipment... but have my hungry eyes on fallow deer.

    Any advice for general areas in Taranaki? I know Whanganui is a great bet and have had some sweet tips for that area but are there any other areas around NAKI that I am neglecting? I have an investigation planned for the eastern side of Whangamomona planned? any tips or DM's or general direction advice would be appreciated, otherwise tell me to F*&k off... both would be fair enough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    West Auckland
    F*&k off...nah, just joking! Welcome aboard! Good luck in your quest..
    cally woo likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Central North Island
    Visit the Whangamomana Pub, chat to a few locals and they will see you right. The publican is a good bloke and will steer you in the right direction as well. Doesn't hurt to offer some free help, be polite and friendly etc. I have never had any trouble picking up curries out there, especially after dodging them on the road.
    cally woo and Knucks like this.

  4. #4
    MB is online now
    Member MB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Deerless North
    From what I've seen of Taranaki, you've ended up in the right place. Heaps of goats in the Uruti area. You definitely don't need access to private land to get on to some animals.
    cally woo likes this.



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